Hope is 6ft Away
Have you ever felt so alone it weighs on you? Where you're longing for an answer that seems forever away or impossible? Not actually talking about coranvirus and the ongoing stay at home orders. I'm actually talking about leprosy. Lepers were required to stand 6ft away and wear cloth face masks. Crazy similarity to today, right? [...]
Hope Through Temptation
How do you keep hope alive for the best, when it's been so long you're tempted to settle? Have you ever been hungry? Standing in-front of an open fridge again and again? Checking the pantry over and over… Nothing looks good enough. The first few times you leave empty handed. But eventually…The hungrier you get.... [...]
Hope Is Now
What do you do when you feel stuck? Or are in fact stuck… like we’re all stuck at home right now. Stuck with limited options for how we’re used to living our lives these days. Do you panic? Do you fight it? Do you shutdown? We’re in our “Can’t Cancel Hope” series where we look [...]
What Does Hope Mean To You?
Acts 2: 1-11 1“When the day of Pentecost came, they were all together in one place. 2 Suddenly a sound like the blowing of a violent wind came from heaven and filled the whole house where they were sitting. 3 They saw what seemed to be tongues of fire that separated and came to rest [...]
Why Is This Happening To Me?
What happens when we get a case of the “why me’s?”. Been there? You know what we’re talking about… Life’s battering ram feels like it’s coming at you from all sides. You’re worn down, worn out, and feeling attacked. And it’s completely unjustified. So maybe you just give up? Maybe you give in to a [...]