
The best Ventura Church Pastors preaching sermon on Faith

What Is True Faith Built On?

What is our faith founded on? What gives it structure? Can it hold up to all life holds in store for us? In this next message in the Faith Check series - "True Faith", we're talking about just that... time to check our faith. We're doing a deep dive on FAITH through the book and [...]
Ventura Church Pastors preaching their home

How do you have fruitful faith?

Is your faith genuine or fake? Real fruit or fruit flavored? Can it give nutrition, reproduce? Or does it rot over time, go stale? We’re continuing our deep dive into FAITH, in this message of our Faith Check series - Fruitful Faith. Jeremiah 24 After Jehoiachin son of Jehoiakim king of Judah and the officials, [...]

How to Find Peace in a Crisis

Finding peace in an extended crisis… is that even possible? Today we find ourselves in unprecedented times; stuck behind closed doors. How are you coping with the extended timelines? Does fear overwhelm you? Do you look for things to occupy your time? Do you turn to humor and try to laugh it all away? We […]

Friends hiking in Ventura hills

Celebrating Easter At Home Together

Easter 2020 will be one we all remember… it was the Easter we were all stuck at home under quarantine. Yet it’s somehow fitting, as the message this week takes place in someone’s home. Today we celebrate Jesus shaking death, hell and the grave, off himself and giving every person the ability to do the […]