
Preaching on Jesus in the New Year

New Year, New You

Have you made a New Year's resolution? I have heard some good ones, bad ones, ridiculous, amazing resolutions over the years. A favorite one that I heard was "I wanna take naps on boats". I asked about where or if they had a harbor in mind. They said "nah, just wanna be more like Jesus." The #1 [...]
Pastors in Ventura preaching on Faith

What is Unshakeable Faith?

What does it mean to have unshakable faith? Constant, unfailing, indisputable, without question…It all starts with having Jesus as our foundation - last weeks bones give us the ability to move and carry forward. In this weeks message "Faith Check - Unshakeable Faith", we look at just that. Confident constant faith that carries you through [...]
Young adult in tank top standing in form of large in Ventura

How to Stop Living in Fear

How do we put an end to the fear, anxiety, and despair that the world is peddling these days? What if there was an alternative? Like hope, certainty, and peace. Life has cancelled so many things. Sports have been cancelled, school is cancelled, gatherings are cancelled, even retail therapy is cancelled. But one thing is […]

How to Find Peace in a Crisis

Finding peace in an extended crisis… is that even possible? Today we find ourselves in unprecedented times; stuck behind closed doors. How are you coping with the extended timelines? Does fear overwhelm you? Do you look for things to occupy your time? Do you turn to humor and try to laugh it all away? We […]

Hiking in Ventura overlooking the Valley

How to Let Go of the Past and Move Forward

Let go of the past and move forward is the topic behind this weeks Lighthouse 805 Church message. This is the third episode in our Get Behind Me series, titled – Carry Your Cross. This series focuses on our position with Christ Jesus. Isn’t it interesting that Matthew 16:24 tells us to “pick up YOUR […]