
Housekeeping for the next two days

If you’ve been following with the reading plan in The Daily Bible, today and tomorrow covers scriptures addressing various offerings (sin offerings, guilt offerings, special offerings, etc) and requirements and instructions for worshipers, leaders and priests. We are going to skip forward a couple of days and double up on selected scripture from the 24th and 25th to cover these days.
With Christ’ sacrifice on the cross the veil that separated the Holy of Holies was torn in two by God signaling the Old Testament priesthood was no longer necessary. Believers could come directly to God. With His sacrifice there is only one mediator between God and man, Jesus Christ. Jesus was the sacrifice, once for all. We believe that all a scripture is God breathed and profitable for teaching, but since the Old Testament priesthood, and thus the feasts and sacrifices are no longer necessary, for this cycle we are skipping commenting on these sections.
You may question if the priesthood is no longer necessary, why does 1 Peter 2:5 say that we are being built into a holy priesthood, and later in v9, a chosen people , a royal priesthood. The priesthood Peter talks of is a priesthood for a spiritual house, offering spiritual sacrifices, e.g., a sacrifice of praise. Again, not an Old Testament priesthood.