Lighthouse 805 Church Church in Ventura Fri, 23 Jul 2021 07:58:18 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Lighthouse 805 Church 32 32 Doing Right in the Eyes of the Lord Fri, 23 Jul 2021 07:55:00 +0000 Josiah was eight years old when he became king, and he reigned in Jerusalem thirty-one years. His mother’s name was Jedidah daughter of Adaiah; she was from Bozkath. He did what was right in the eyes of the LORD and followed completely the ways of his father David, not turning aside to the right or […]

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Josiah was eight years old when he became king, and he reigned in Jerusalem thirty-one years. His mother’s name was Jedidah daughter of Adaiah; she was from Bozkath. He did what was right in the eyes of the LORD and followed completely the ways of his father David, not turning aside to the right or to the left. 2 Kings 22:1-2
Nevertheless, the LORD did not turn away from the heat of his fierce anger, which burned against Judah because of all that Manasseh had done to arouse his anger. So the LORD said, “I will remove Judah also from my presence as I removed Israel, and I will reject Jerusalem, the city I chose, and this temple, about which I said, ‘My Name shall be there.'” 2 Kings 23:26-27

About the time between Isaiah and Jeremiah is the reign of Josiah, the child king. He was 8 years old when he became king. His father and grandfather were kings that did evil in the eyes of the Lord. For all the good Josiah did was not enough to turn the Lord’s anger with Judah because of all Manasseh, his grandfather, did to provoke the Lord. You are not held responsible for the sins of your father, but your good does not wipe clean an evil done by an ancestor either. Teach your children well in the ways of the Lord. Help them to “hide” God’s word in their hearts so they don’t sin against the Lord. Start or continue another generation of your family doing right in the eyes of the Lord.

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Real Change Thu, 22 Jul 2021 07:13:00 +0000 The Lord is good, a refuge in times of trouble. He cares for those who trust in him, but with an overwhelming flood he will make an end of Nineveh; he will pursue his foes into darkness. Nahum1:7-8 If you have been reading along with us in The Daily Bible – In Chronological Order, we […]

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The Lord is good, a refuge in times of trouble. He cares for those who trust in him, but with an overwhelming flood he will make an end of Nineveh; he will pursue his foes into darkness. Nahum1:7-8

If you have been reading along with us in The Daily Bible – In Chronological Order, we finished Isaiah and will soon start into another major prophet, Jeremiah. But first, we will spend a few days in some of the minor prophets, like Nahum today. There is nothing minor about these prophets, just shorter writings than the major prophets. Often the minor prophets are just as impactful as the major prophets in bringing God’s word to the people and nations. In today’s scripture Nahum speaks of the judgment coming to Nineveh. The city had been spared judgment when they repented at the preaching of the prophet Jonah when he brought God’s warning to them. Now, a hundred and twenty-five years later, Nineveh has reverted to their old ways, rejecting God’s mercy on them, and God’s judgment will be delayed no longer. God always gives warnings and opportunities to change before His judgment is meted out. But, make no mistake, God is not mocked. You can’t fool God. Only real change results in real mercy.

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The Master Creator Wed, 21 Jul 2021 07:12:00 +0000 This is what the LORD says: “Heaven is my throne, and the earth is my footstool. Where is the house you will build for me? Where will my resting place be? Has not my hand made all these things, and so they came into being?” declares the Lord. “These are the ones I look on […]

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This is what the LORD says: “Heaven is my throne, and the earth is my footstool. Where is the house you will build for me? Where will my resting place be? Has not my hand made all these things, and so they came into being?” declares the Lord. “These are the ones I look on with favor: those who are humble and contrite in spirit, and who tremble at my word. Isaiah 66:1-2

The section of Isaiah preceding today’s scripture is God speaking to Israel, though they are in exile, captives of a foreign nation God used to bring judgment for Israel’s rejection of God. God reveals Himself to them, though they did not seek him. He promises to bring descendants out of the remnant of Jacob who will again possess the Holy Land. He will bring blessings for those that repent of their ways, but have no mercy for those that are unrepentant. He says he will create new heavens and a new earth, and Jerusalem will be a delight and His people a joy. In today’s scripture He contrasts that to what man will make to be God’s house. That whatever man makes will only be from He has already created. Man wants to build a house for God to gain favor with God, but God a house for His name is not what He wants. Again God makes clear it is not physical things that He wants from man, not a temple, an altar of stone, gold or other things man covets, but God wants a heart that desires Him above all else not matter the circumstance. As the scripture puts it, God wants “those who are humble and contrite in spirit, and who tremble at my word.” It is good to check your heart regularly. Keep your heart following God, loving Him with all your heart, soul, mind, and strength. And, love your neighbor as yourself.

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From Nazareth to Eternity Tue, 20 Jul 2021 07:20:00 +0000 The Spirit of the Sovereign LORD is on me, because the LORD has anointed me to proclaim good news to the poor. He has sent me to bind up the brokenhearted, to proclaim freedom for the captives and release from darkness for the prisoners, to proclaim the year of the LORD’s favor and the day […]

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The Spirit of the Sovereign LORD is on me, because the LORD has anointed me to proclaim good news to the poor. He has sent me to bind up the brokenhearted, to proclaim freedom for the captives and release from darkness for the prisoners, to proclaim the year of the LORD’s favor and the day of vengeance of our God, to comfort all who mourn, and provide for those who grieve in Zion–to bestow on them a crown of beauty instead of ashes, the oil of joy instead of mourning, and a garment of praise instead of a spirit of despair. They will be called oaks of righteousness, a planting of the LORD for the display of his splendor. Isaiah 61:1-3

About half of today’s scripture is very well known from Jesus’ reading it in the Nazareth synagogue one Sabbath at the start of his earthly ministry. Whether Isaiah 61 was the assigned reading or one that Jesus chose, he ended his reading, “…to proclaim the year of the LORD’s favor”, with the statement, “Today this scripture is fulfilled in your hearing.” Jesus is proclaiming that He is the one God sent with Good News, to set people free from the bondage of sin. Yet, while Jesus stopped there, the scripture goes on, “and the day of vengeance of our God, t comfort all who mourn …” God’s message through Isaiah was yes, a Messiah is coming bringing good news, but also for those in exile and those grieving over the fallen Jerusalem, God has not forgotten them or city of Zion. He will bring his vengeance on those that caused this, and restore His people and their city – encouraging news for a people in despair. And we can take this another step further, that Jesus, Messiah came the first time to save, but is coming again, soon, as judge of all mankind. Prepare your hearts, prepare the way for Jesus, He is coming soon.

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Why do the Good Die Young? Mon, 19 Jul 2021 17:50:35 +0000 The righteous perish, and no one takes it to heart; the devout are taken away, and no one understands that the righteous are taken away to be spared from evil. Those who walk uprightly enter into peace; they find rest as they lie in death. Isaiah 57:1-2 The age old question when a good person […]

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The righteous perish, and no one takes it to heart; the devout are taken away, and no one understands that the righteous are taken away to be spared from evil. Those who walk uprightly enter into peace; they find rest as they lie in death. Isaiah 57:1-2

The age old question when a good person dies young, before their time; Why did God allow this good person to die, yet bad people live a long life? The short answer is it is not God causing their death, but death comes as a result of man’s fallen nature, that when sin entered mankind, the life God intended for man was changed. The longer answer is that given man’s fallen nature, God is still working in our lives. Today’s scripture tells us that God takes away the righteous to be spared from evil. This requires the understanding that death is not the end of life. The righteous person, the believer in Christ, is taken to a better place. We can take comfort and joy in that fact.

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Jesus Suffered for You and Me Sun, 18 Jul 2021 07:39:00 +0000 He was despised and rejected by mankind, a man of suffering, and familiar with pain. Like one from whom people hide their faces he was despised, and we held him in low esteem. Surely he took up our pain and bore our suffering, yet we considered him punished by God, stricken by him, and afflicted. […]

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He was despised and rejected by mankind, a man of suffering, and familiar with pain. Like one from whom people hide their faces he was despised, and we held him in low esteem. Surely he took up our pain and bore our suffering, yet we considered him punished by God, stricken by him, and afflicted. But he was pierced for our transgressions, he was crushed for our iniquities; the punishment that brought us peace was on him, and by his wounds we are healed. We all, like sheep, have gone astray, each of us has turned to our own way; and the LORD has laid on him the iniquity of us all. Isaiah 53:3-6

These verses are from yesterday’s reading, but so much of Isaiah is tremendous scripture it is hard to select just one for the day. In the verses from the prior chapter in Isaiah, many people were appalled at Jesus because his appearance was so disfigured from the beating he suffered to carry out God’s plan for man’s redemption. But it was this suffering, this crushing he endured to take the punishment of sin that should have been yours and mine. All these wounds he suffered were to heal us from the penalty for our sin. Praise God if you have been born again, if you no longer need to fear the Day of the Lord for He has already judged us righteous in His eyes because of Jesus. Give Jesus all the glory and praise that is due His Name!

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God’s Eternal Love Sat, 17 Jul 2021 07:45:06 +0000 “Listen to me, you who pursue righteousness and who seek the LORD: Look to the rock from which you were cut and to the quarry from which you were hewn; look to Abraham, your father, and to Sarah, who gave you birth. When I called him he was only one man, and I blessed him […]

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“Listen to me, you who pursue righteousness and who seek the LORD: Look to the rock from which you were cut and to the quarry from which you were hewn; look to Abraham, your father, and to Sarah, who gave you birth. When I called him he was only one man, and I blessed him and made him many. The LORD will surely comfort Zion and will look with compassion on all her ruins; he will make her deserts like Eden, her wastelands like the garden of the LORD. Joy and gladness will be found in her, thanksgiving and the sound of singing. Isaiah 51:1-3

This must have been bitter sweet to the exiles. They are defeated and taken captives, exiled from their homeland. Jerusalem is a distant memory. Yet God tells them He hasn’t forgotten them nor Jerusalem. The promise that Joy and Gladness will be found in her again, along with the sounds of thanksgiving and singing. There is hope for the exiles! Today, perhaps God seems far away to you. Just as for the exiles back then, God promises good things for those who love Him. You can put your trust in Him.

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Let Every Knee Bow Fri, 16 Jul 2021 07:35:00 +0000 This is what the LORD says–the Redeemer and Holy One of Israel–to him who was despised and abhorred by the nation, to the servant of rulers: “Kings will see you and stand up, princes will see and bow down, because of the LORD, who is faithful, the Holy One of Israel, who has chosen you.” […]

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This is what the LORD says–the Redeemer and Holy One of Israel–to him who was despised and abhorred by the nation, to the servant of rulers: “Kings will see you and stand up, princes will see and bow down, because of the LORD, who is faithful, the Holy One of Israel, who has chosen you.” Isaiah 49:7

Isaiah prophecies what the Lord is saying about Messiah. He was despised an abhorred by the nations. Yet, to Him, kings will see you and rise up, a sign of respect and submission to a greater King. Princes will see and bow down, again the rulers of this world will all bow before Messiah, not on his first coming, but the second time he returns, every knee will bow and every tongue confess Jesus is Lord.

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Remember the Former Things Thu, 15 Jul 2021 07:34:00 +0000 Remember the former things, those of long ago; I am God, and there is no other; I am God, and there is none like me. I make known the end from the beginning, from ancient times, what is still to come. I say, ‘My purpose will stand, and I will do all that I please.’ […]

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Remember the former things, those of long ago; I am God, and there is no other; I am God, and there is none like me. I make known the end from the beginning, from ancient times, what is still to come. I say, ‘My purpose will stand, and I will do all that I please.’ Isaiah 46:9-10

What? Just yesterday God says to forget the former things. Today, He says to remember the former things. Is God confused? By no means. Yesterday, He said to forget the former things because He is doing a new work. If you are too caught up in only the former things you will miss out on the current and new things God is doing. We also saw how that applies to hurts and sin. Don’t get stuck in the past where you have no faith for the future. In Jesus’ hometown, Jesus could do little because of the people’s lack of faith. In contrast, today He says to remember the former things; remember what God has done, remember the promises He kept, remember perhaps the promises He made that are still yet to come. Remember those things so you can trust He will carry them out in the future. Those things from the past help build faith for the future. See, both forget the past and remember the past can be true. Both can lead to God working in us, bringing blessings to all those around us.

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Let the Past be Past Wed, 14 Jul 2021 07:32:00 +0000 This is what the LORD says–he who made a way through the sea, a path through the mighty waters, who drew out the chariots and horses, the army and reinforcements together, and they lay there, never to rise again, extinguished, snuffed out like a wick: “Forget the former things; do not dwell on the past. […]

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This is what the LORD says–he who made a way through the sea, a path through the mighty waters, who drew out the chariots and horses, the army and reinforcements together, and they lay there, never to rise again, extinguished, snuffed out like a wick: “Forget the former things; do not dwell on the past. See, I am doing a new thing! Now it springs up; do you not perceive it? I am making a way in the wilderness and streams in the wasteland. Isaiah 43:16-19

The Lord himself declares that there are times to forget the past and look to the future. This can apply both to good things that happened (don’t live in past glory) as well as bad things (don’t be held captive by the past). The very events that defined God’s love and strength to His people, the Passover and Exodus from Egypt, He now says to forget these former things, don’t dwell on them anymore because He is doing a new thing. Let go of your past, look to the future. God wants to do so much more in you than He has already done. Our walk of faith is an ongoing adventure. Allow God to show you his power and love each day. He is still in the business of breaking the chains that keep us in bondage. He is still in the business of giving us freedom from our past. His power to change us on the inside until it shows on our outsides, demonstrates His great love for us. Keep the faith so He can work miracles in and through you, to the glory of God.

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I Declare! Tue, 13 Jul 2021 07:13:00 +0000 “I am the LORD; that is my name! I will not yield my glory to another or my praise to idols. See, the former things have taken place, and new things I declare; before they spring into being I announce them to you.” Isaiah 42:8-9 There is nothing more to say. The Lord! The Lord! […]

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“I am the LORD; that is my name! I will not yield my glory to another or my praise to idols. See, the former things have taken place, and new things I declare; before they spring into being I announce them to you.” Isaiah 42:8-9

There is nothing more to say. The Lord! The Lord! Hallelujah!

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After the Judgment God Brings Restoration and the Coming Messiah Mon, 12 Jul 2021 07:54:00 +0000 Comfort, comfort my people, says your God. Speak tenderly to Jerusalem, and proclaim to her that her hard service has been completed, that her sin has been paid for, that she has received from the LORD’s hand double for all her sins. A voice of one calling: “In the wilderness prepare the way for the […]

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Comfort, comfort my people, says your God. Speak tenderly to Jerusalem, and proclaim to her that her hard service has been completed, that her sin has been paid for, that she has received from the LORD’s hand double for all her sins. A voice of one calling: “In the wilderness prepare the way for the LORD; make straight in the desert a highway for our God. Every valley shall be raised up, every mountain and hill made low; the rough ground shall become level, the rugged places a plain. And the glory of the LORD will be revealed, and all people will see it together. For the mouth of the LORD has spoken.” Isaiah 40:1-5

Isaiah sees the time when Jerusalem has fallen and Judah is taken into exile. He sees beyond that when God’s judgment against Judah is complete, when He is again tender toward His people. Then, Isaiah prophecies about the coming of God’s Messiah. The glory of the Lord will be revealed and all mankind together will see it. Jesus came the first time as a babe in the manger to save the world, with John the Baptist the voice calling to prepare the way. He will return a second time as King. Prepare your way, prepare your heart, He is coming soon.

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Manasseh, Evil King of Judah Sun, 11 Jul 2021 07:41:00 +0000 The LORD said through his servants the prophets: “Manasseh king of Judah has committed these detestable sins. He has done more evil than the Amorites who preceded him and has led Judah into sin with his idols. Therefore this is what the LORD, the God of Israel, says: I am going to bring such disaster […]

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The LORD said through his servants the prophets: “Manasseh king of Judah has committed these detestable sins. He has done more evil than the Amorites who preceded him and has led Judah into sin with his idols. Therefore this is what the LORD, the God of Israel, says: I am going to bring such disaster on Jerusalem and Judah that the ears of everyone who hears of it will tingle. I will stretch out over Jerusalem the measuring line used against Samaria and the plumb line used against the house of Ahab. I will wipe out Jerusalem as one wipes a dish, wiping it and turning it upside down. I will forsake the remnant of my inheritance and give them into the hands of enemies. They will be looted and plundered by all their enemies; they have done evil in my eyes and have aroused my anger from the day their ancestors came out of Egypt until this day.” 2 Kings 21:10-15

This is not the type of scripture verses you want to see, God will not let sin reign. Manasseh’s father, King Hezekiah ruled for 29 years, following God and leading the people of Judah back to the Lord. Manasseh proved to be the opposite of his father, leading Judah into sin with his idols and worship of them. Even though Manasseh reigned a long time, 55 years, he did evil in the eyes of the Lord. Manasseh was one of the most evil kings of Judah. God’s judgment of Manasseh’s sin brought about the downfall of Judah and the destruction of Solomon’s Temple. But God was slow to anger, giving Manasseh a long time to turn to God. But he wouldn’t turn bringing God to carry out His judgment.

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The Sun Moved West to East Sat, 10 Jul 2021 07:43:00 +0000 In those days Hezekiah became ill and was at the point of death. The prophet Isaiah son of Amoz went to him and said, “This is what the LORD says: Put your house in order, because you are going to die; you will not recover.” Hezekiah turned his face to the wall and prayed to […]

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In those days Hezekiah became ill and was at the point of death. The prophet Isaiah son of Amoz went to him and said, “This is what the LORD says: Put your house in order, because you are going to die; you will not recover.” Hezekiah turned his face to the wall and prayed to the LORD, “Remember, LORD, how I have walked before you faithfully and with wholehearted devotion and have done what is good in your eyes.” And Hezekiah wept bitterly. Before Isaiah had left the middle court, the word of the LORD came to him: “Go back and tell Hezekiah, the ruler of my people, ‘This is what the LORD, the God of your father David, says: I have heard your prayer and seen your tears; I will heal you. On the third day from now you will go up to the temple of the LORD. I will add fifteen years to your life. And I will deliver you and this city from the hand of the king of Assyria. I will defend this city for my sake and for the sake of my servant David.’ ” 2 Kings 20:1-6

About halfway through King Hezekiah’s reign, King Sennacherib of Assyria invades Judah, and to avoid defeat in battle, Hezekiah agrees to pay tribute to Sennacherib, resulting in Sennacherib withdrawing from Judah. Hezekiah stripped the gold from the temple to give Sennacherib. At this point, Hezekiah gets ill and Isaiah brings a message he will die. Hezekiah’s prayer turns God’s decision, and promises to give him 15 more years of life. The famous sign given to Hezekiah that God’s promise will be done – the shadow goes backwards ten steps on a sun dial type stairway, meaning the sun moved backwards at God’s command. In keeping His word about delivering Hezekiah from the king of Assyria, God’s Angel of Death kills 185,000 Assyrian troops one night. In the morning all the dead bodies were discovered, so Sennacherib broke camp and returned to Nineveh in disgrace. Ever feel like the odds are against you? Have faith, trust in God, believe in Him, be saved.

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After Israel’s Fall, Where is Judah? Fri, 09 Jul 2021 07:48:00 +0000 “Woe to the obstinate children,” declares the LORD, “to those who carry out plans that are not mine, forming an alliance, but not by my Spirit, heaping sin upon sin; who go down to Egypt without consulting me; who look for help to Pharaoh’s protection, to Egypt’s shade for refuge. But Pharaoh’s protection will be […]

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“Woe to the obstinate children,” declares the LORD, “to those who carry out plans that are not mine, forming an alliance, but not by my Spirit, heaping sin upon sin; who go down to Egypt without consulting me; who look for help to Pharaoh’s protection, to Egypt’s shade for refuge. But Pharaoh’s protection will be to your shame, Egypt’s shade will bring you disgrace. Though they have officials in Zoan and their envoys have arrived in Hanes, everyone will be put to shame because of a people useless to them, who bring neither help nor advantage, but only shame and disgrace.” Isaiah 30:1-5

Israel has fallen to Assyria. Many of the people are taken as captives to Assyria. Will Assyria advance further south and attack Judah and Jerusalem? Rather than consult God for His protection, Judah looks to Egypt and her horses and chariots to defend her. God is not pleased when His people choose other nations, other gods, other plans, rather than God. While Judah will later be defeated and taken captive by Babylonia, at this time God’s judgment is against Egypt and other nations for trying to step in for God – essentially leading Judah astray. God still fights for His people, He is constantly calling them to return to Him. If only they turn their face to Him, He will turn His face to them.

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The Fall of Israel Thu, 08 Jul 2021 07:52:00 +0000 In King Hezekiah’s fourth year, which was the seventh year of Hoshea son of Elah king of Israel, Shalmaneser king of Assyria marched against Samaria and laid siege to it. At the end of three years the Assyrians took it. So Samaria was captured in Hezekiah’s sixth year, which was the ninth year of Hoshea […]

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In King Hezekiah’s fourth year, which was the seventh year of Hoshea son of Elah king of Israel, Shalmaneser king of Assyria marched against Samaria and laid siege to it. At the end of three years the Assyrians took it. So Samaria was captured in Hezekiah’s sixth year, which was the ninth year of Hoshea king of Israel. The king of Assyria deported Israel to Assyria and settled them in Halah, in Gozan on the Habor River and in towns of the Medes. This happened because they had not obeyed the LORD their God, but had violated his covenant–all that Moses the servant of the LORD commanded. They neither listened to the commands nor carried them out. 2 Kings 18:9-12

Samaria, the capital of the northern tribes is captured after a 3 year siege. Israel has fallen! Many of the people of the northern tribes will be taken into captivity in Assyria. In their place, Assyria will repopulate Israel with people from Babylonia and other Eastern countries. These new people will become a hybrid of Jews called Samaritans. Israel’s fall came despite the Lord’s numerous warnings through his prophets. But Israel would not stop violating God’s first command (as well as others), “You shall have no other gods before me.” No idols – don’t worship something made by man’s hands – don’t worship them. God wanted their hearts to be fully after Him then. He wants the same thing of us today. He wants your heart fully devoted to Him, not to your job, your money, your possessions, you fill in the _________. There’s a TV commercial with the tag line, “How’s your heart?” That’s a question we should all ask and make sure you can answer in the affirmative.

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Our Cry Wed, 07 Jul 2021 07:22:00 +0000 LORD, be gracious to us; we long for you. Be our strength every morning, our salvation in time of distress. At the uproar of your army, the peoples flee; when you rise up, the nations scatter. Your plunder, O nations, is harvested as by young locusts; like a swarm of locusts people pounce on it. […]

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LORD, be gracious to us; we long for you. Be our strength every morning, our salvation in time of distress. At the uproar of your army, the peoples flee; when you rise up, the nations scatter. Your plunder, O nations, is harvested as by young locusts; like a swarm of locusts people pounce on it. The LORD is exalted, for he dwells on high; he will fill Zion with his justice and righteousness. He will be the sure foundation for your times, a rich store of salvation and wisdom and knowledge; the fear of the LORD is the key to this treasure. Isaiah 33:2-6

The preaching of Isaiah contains both the prophecies of defeat and captivity, but also reconciliation for the nation and return to their land. The first verse of today’s scriptures is a cry that every believer could cry out at some point in his life. Lord be gracious to me, I long for you. Be my strength every morning, and my salvation in time of distress.

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Justice Coming for Those Against God Tue, 06 Jul 2021 07:02:00 +0000 So this is what the Sovereign LORD says: “See, I lay a stone in Zion, a tested stone, a precious cornerstone for a sure foundation; the one who relies on it will never be stricken with panic. I will make justice the measuring line and righteousness the plumb line; hail will sweep away your refuge, […]

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So this is what the Sovereign LORD says: “See, I lay a stone in Zion, a tested stone, a precious cornerstone for a sure foundation; the one who relies on it will never be stricken with panic. I will make justice the measuring line and righteousness the plumb line; hail will sweep away your refuge, the lie, and water will overflow your hiding place. Your covenant with death will be annulled; your agreement with the realm of the dead will not stand. When the overwhelming scourge sweeps by, you will be beaten down by it. As often as it comes it will carry you away; morning after morning, by day and by night, it will sweep through.” The understanding of this message will bring sheer terror. Isaiah 28:16-19

If you are against God, Isaiah’s prophecies, though given thousands of years ago, are still pertinent to you. God has not yet balanced the ledgers, His judgment has not been meted out in full. He is still holding out that you would come to Him in repentance and be saved. He has already laid the foundation and anyone who puts their faith and trust in Him will not be disappointed. Any deal you thing you have with His enemies, including death, He will nullify those deals. The terror of the night will not escape you. Turn to Him now, while it is still today, for today you have the chance, the opportunity to make things right with God. No one knows what tomorrow brings.

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Last Days – First Days Mon, 05 Jul 2021 07:45:00 +0000 But your dead will live, LORD; their bodies will rise–let those who dwell in the dust wake up and shout for joy–your dew is like the dew of the morning; the earth will give birth to her dead. Go, my people, enter your rooms and shut the doors behind you; hide yourselves for a little […]

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But your dead will live, LORD; their bodies will rise–let those who dwell in the dust wake up and shout for joy–your dew is like the dew of the morning; the earth will give birth to her dead. Go, my people, enter your rooms and shut the doors behind you; hide yourselves for a little while until his wrath has passed by. See, the LORD is coming out of his dwelling to punish the people of the earth for their sins. The earth will disclose the blood shed on it; the earth will conceal its slain no longer. Isaiah 26:19-21

Isaiah continues in his prophecies, speaking of the “Last Days”, days when the Lord will lay waste the earth and devastate it. Days when the earth will dry up and wither, when the exalted of the world will languish because the people of the world will defile it, will disobey the laws and violate the statutes and break the everlasting covenant. The Lord is slow to anger and abounding in love, but after warning after warning, without repentance there is no forgiveness. Still for the faithful in Christ, the Last Days are not dreaded days. Yes, they will still be terrible days, but the promise of the Lord in our scriptures for today give us confidence that day will not only the Last Days, but for the believers it will be resurrection day – First Days.

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Independence Day – Don’t Give Up Sun, 04 Jul 2021 07:29:00 +0000 Hezekiah was twenty-five years old when he became king, and he reigned in Jerusalem twenty-nine years. His mother’s name was Abijah daughter of Zechariah. He did what was right in the eyes of the LORD, just as his father David had done. In the first month of the first year of his reign, he opened […]

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Hezekiah was twenty-five years old when he became king, and he reigned in Jerusalem twenty-nine years. His mother’s name was Abijah daughter of Zechariah. He did what was right in the eyes of the LORD, just as his father David had done. In the first month of the first year of his reign, he opened the doors of the temple of the LORD and repaired them. He brought in the priests and the Levites, assembled them in the square on the east side and said: “Listen to me, Levites! Consecrate yourselves now and consecrate the temple of the LORD, the God of your ancestors. Remove all defilement from the sanctuary. Our parents were unfaithful; they did evil in the eyes of the LORD our God and forsook him. They turned their faces away from the LORD’s dwelling place and turned their backs on him. They also shut the doors of the portico and put out the lamps. They did not burn incense or present any burnt offerings at the sanctuary to the God of Israel. Therefore, the anger of the LORD has fallen on Judah and Jerusalem; he has made them an object of dread and horror and scorn, as you can see with your own eyes. This is why our fathers have fallen by the sword and why our sons and daughters and our wives are in captivity. Now I intend to make a covenant with the LORD, the God of Israel, so that his fierce anger will turn away from us. 2 Chronicles 29:1-10

The best thing that king Ahaz did was father a son, Hezekiah, who would do right in the eyes of the Lord, as his ancestor King David did. From the beginning of his 29 year reign as king, Hezekiah cleaned house and righted the ship, so to say, in the temple and amongst the Levites. People will follow their leader, and Hezekiah was a good leader. For us today, Jesus is our leader, and we know He is a good leader. If you have slipped on deck and fallen, He is there to help you up. He wants you to be well and thrive. He has good things in store for you. Turn to him, He promised to turn to you! There is nothing that can separate you from the love of God. Jesus has already done the work to reconcile you to God and to set you free from the bondage of sin, no matter how big or small the sin. As a famed basketball coach famously said, “Don’t give up, don’t ever give up.”

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Fallen From Heaven Sat, 03 Jul 2021 07:39:00 +0000 How you have fallen from heaven, morning star, son of the dawn! You have been cast down to the earth, you who once laid low the nations! You said in your heart, “I will ascend to the heavens; I will raise my throne above the stars of God; I will sit enthroned on the mount […]

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How you have fallen from heaven, morning star, son of the dawn! You have been cast down to the earth, you who once laid low the nations! You said in your heart, “I will ascend to the heavens; I will raise my throne above the stars of God; I will sit enthroned on the mount of assembly, on the utmost heights of Mount Zaphon. I will ascend above the tops of the clouds; I will make myself like the Most High.” But you are brought down to the realm of the dead, to the depths of the pit. Isaiah 14:12-15

Within Isaiah’s prophecy concerning the king of Babylon, today’s scripture also shares references to Satan, the fallen angel, cast out of heaven for the pride of raising himself to be like God. God doesn’t fool around with Satan, casting him down to the earth, where he is the prnce of the air. God is not finished with Satan yet, but even Satan is given opportunity to repent. But even after a thousand years Satan still thinks he can defeat God. Only when he is cast into the lake of fire is Satan banished forever. God remains in control, forever and ever, Amen.

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Thank You for Your Son Fri, 02 Jul 2021 19:58:57 +0000 In his time of trouble King Ahaz became even more unfaithful to the LORD. He offered sacrifices to the gods of Damascus, who had defeated him; for he thought, “Since the gods of the kings of Aram have helped them, I will sacrifice to them so they will help me.” But they were his downfall […]

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In his time of trouble King Ahaz became even more unfaithful to the LORD. He offered sacrifices to the gods of Damascus, who had defeated him; for he thought, “Since the gods of the kings of Aram have helped them, I will sacrifice to them so they will help me.” But they were his downfall and the downfall of all Israel. 2 Chronicles 28:22-23

King Ahaz gave in to what is common among those with little or no faith in God, or a wrong perception of God. God is not a genie at your command. Having no hope in God only leads to further destruction. In this case, not just for Ahaz, but for all Israel. Still, if there is a redeeming quality about Ahaz, it is that he fathered a son, Hezekiah, who would become a good and faithful King, leading the nation to God, rather than away from God as his father Ahaz had done.

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Judgments Against the Nations Thu, 01 Jul 2021 07:09:38 +0000 Isaiah’s prophecies includes judgments against many of the neighboring cities and nations including Assyria, Moab, Damascus, Edom, Arabia, and Tyre. The peoples that were dispossessed when Israel entered the Promised Land worshiped false gods and offered their own children in the fire to them. Here we see that God’s judgment will ultimately bring some to […]

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Isaiah’s prophecies includes judgments against many of the neighboring cities and nations including Assyria, Moab, Damascus, Edom, Arabia, and Tyre. The peoples that were dispossessed when Israel entered the Promised Land worshiped false gods and offered their own children in the fire to them. Here we see that God’s judgment will ultimately bring some to the point of turning to the one and only true God, not their lifeless idols. Even in judgment, God is turning hearts to Him, and as we have seen over and over again, is willing to forgive those with repentant hearts.

In that day people will look to their Maker and turn their eyes to the Holy One of Israel. They will not look to the altars, the work of their hands, and they will have no regard for the Asherah poles and the incense altars their fingers have made. In that day their strong cities, which they left because of the Israelites, will be like places abandoned to thickets and undergrowth. And all will be desolation. Isaiah 17:7-9

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Rely on the Lord Wed, 30 Jun 2021 07:14:48 +0000 In that day the remnant of Israel, the survivors of Jacob, will no longer rely on him who struck them down but will truly rely on the LORD, the Holy One of Israel. A remnant will return, a remnant of Jacob will return to the Mighty God. Though your people be like the sand by […]

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In that day the remnant of Israel, the survivors of Jacob, will no longer rely on him who struck them down but will truly rely on the LORD, the Holy One of Israel. A remnant will return, a remnant of Jacob will return to the Mighty God. Though your people be like the sand by the sea, Israel, only a remnant will return. Destruction has been decreed, overwhelming and righteous. The Lord, the LORD Almighty, will carry out the destruction decreed upon the whole land. Isaiah 10:20-23

Judah’s reliance on Assyria for deliverance from the attack of Israel and Syria (Aram) results is God’s judgment on Judah for not trusting in Him to save them from Israel and Syria. God will then use Assyria as that judgment. The Lord promises Judah they are going through the judgment because they did not trust in the Lord, but He will change them so they will once again depend on the Lord. There will be a remnant that trusts in the Lord, and the Lord will direct His wrath to destroy the Assyrians. As the scriptures repeated say, the Lord is slow to anger, abounding in love and forgiving sin and rebellion. The Lord wants you, and all, to be saved. Turn your hearts to Him, it is never too late to repent and receive forgiveness from God.

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The virgin will conceive and give birth to a son and will call him Immanuel Tue, 29 Jun 2021 07:36:00 +0000 Again the LORD spoke to Ahaz, “Ask the LORD your God for a sign, whether in the deepest depths or in the highest heights.” But Ahaz said, “I will not ask; I will not put the LORD to the test.” Then Isaiah said, “Hear now, you house of David! Is it not enough to try […]

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Again the LORD spoke to Ahaz, “Ask the LORD your God for a sign, whether in the deepest depths or in the highest heights.” But Ahaz said, “I will not ask; I will not put the LORD to the test.” Then Isaiah said, “Hear now, you house of David! Is it not enough to try the patience of humans? Will you try the patience of my God also? Therefore the Lord himself will give you a sign: The virgin will conceive and give birth to a son, and will call him Immanuel. Isaiah 7:10-14

It seems like king Ahaz of Judah is being righteous in his refusal to ask for a sign, even when the Lord invites Ahaz to do so. But, he is anything but a good king. He did not do what was right in the eyes of the Lord. He made cast idols for worshiping the Baals. He burned his sons in the fire as sacrifices following the practices of the nations the Lord had driven out before Israel. Here, when he learned of the planned attack by the northern kingdom Israel and their alliance with Aram, Ahaz doesn’t turn to God for help, instead he makes and alliance with Tiglath Pileser, king of Assyria. God warns Ahaz in verse 9, “If you do not stand firm in your faith, you will not stand at all.” Ahaz did not heed God’s warning, he goes through with getting help from Assyria rather than waiting on the Lord. In response of Ahaz’s refusal, God gives him a sign of the coming Messiah.

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Beginnings of Captivity Mon, 28 Jun 2021 07:25:00 +0000 In the time of Pekah king of Israel, Tiglath-Pileser king of Assyria came and took Ijon, Abel Beth Maakah, Janoah, Kedesh and Hazor. He took Gilead and Galilee, including all the land of Naphtali, and deported the people to Assyria. 2 Kings 15:29 God has given many warnings that Israel will fall into Assyrian captivity. […]

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In the time of Pekah king of Israel, Tiglath-Pileser king of Assyria came and took Ijon, Abel Beth Maakah, Janoah, Kedesh and Hazor. He took Gilead and Galilee, including all the land of Naphtali, and deported the people to Assyria. 2 Kings 15:29

God has given many warnings that Israel will fall into Assyrian captivity. Here, we see the prophetic words are starting to come true. It will be several more years before Israel collapses totally, but make no mistake, unless the people repent, God’s judgment as spoken by the prophets is near. Alas, there is no repentance coming.

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What Gods Wants From You Sun, 27 Jun 2021 07:24:00 +0000 With what shall I come before the LORD and bow down before the exalted God? Shall I come before him with burnt offerings, with calves a year old? Will the LORD be pleased with thousands of rams, with ten thousand rivers of olive oil? Shall I offer my firstborn for my transgression, the fruit of […]

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With what shall I come before the LORD and bow down before the exalted God? Shall I come before him with burnt offerings, with calves a year old? Will the LORD be pleased with thousands of rams, with ten thousand rivers of olive oil? Shall I offer my firstborn for my transgression, the fruit of my body for the sin of my soul? He has shown you, O mortal, what is good. And what does the LORD require of you? To act justly and to love mercy and to walk humbly with your God. Micah 6:6-8

In Micah’s third discourse, God’s charge against Judah is followed by a realization of what God wants from each of us. It is a fully worthwhile time to examine yourself and your heart and thoughts on what it means for you to “act justly and to love mercy and to walk humbly with your God.”

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Birthplace of Messiah Sat, 26 Jun 2021 07:29:00 +0000 “But you, Bethlehem Ephrathah, though you are small among the clans of Judah, out of you will come for me one who will be ruler over Israel, whose origins are from of old, from ancient times.” Micah 5:2 When the Magi from the east came to king Herod, this prophetic verse was given by the […]

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“But you, Bethlehem Ephrathah, though you are small among the clans of Judah, out of you will come for me one who will be ruler over Israel, whose origins are from of old, from ancient times.” Micah 5:2

When the Magi from the east came to king Herod, this prophetic verse was given by the priests and scribes as to where the Messiah was to be born. Before this verse, Micah’s second discourse rebukes the leaders of both Judah and Israel, the false prophets, and the sins of the Rulers. In other words, despite the sins Israel commits, God loves all people, and the Jewish people in particular, promising a Messiah to save them and lead them and rule over them.

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The Prophet Micah Fri, 25 Jun 2021 07:26:00 +0000 “I will surely gather all of you, Jacob; I will surely bring together the remnant of Israel. I will bring them together like sheep in a pen, like a flock in its pasture; the place will throng with people. The One who breaks open the way will go up before them; they will break through […]

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“I will surely gather all of you, Jacob; I will surely bring together the remnant of Israel. I will bring them together like sheep in a pen, like a flock in its pasture; the place will throng with people. The One who breaks open the way will go up before them; they will break through the gate and go out. Their King will pass through before them, the LORD at their head.” Micah 2:12-13

Our reading in the Daily Bible in Chronological Order takes us to a contemporary or Isaiah, Micah the prophet. Micah like Isaiah ministers to the southern tribes, to Judah. His message is often similar to Isaiah’s, as well as the prophets to the northern tribes, Israel: God does not appreciate empty worship from those whose lives are morally and ethically bankrupt. Micah’s prophecies include judgments against Israel and Judah, including the fall of Jerusalem, the destruction of Solomon’s temple, and the exile/captivity in Babylon. But Micah also prophecies about the return from captivity and the birth of the Messiah in the city of Bethlehem.

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Be Willing and Obedient, He will Bless You Thu, 24 Jun 2021 07:25:12 +0000 “Come now, let us settle the matter,” says the LORD. “Though your sins are like scarlet, they shall be as white as snow; though they are red as crimson, they shall be like wool. If you are willing and obedient, you will eat the good things of the land; but if you resist and rebel, […]

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“Come now, let us settle the matter,” says the LORD. “Though your sins are like scarlet, they shall be as white as snow; though they are red as crimson, they shall be like wool. If you are willing and obedient, you will eat the good things of the land; but if you resist and rebel, you will be devoured by the sword.” For the mouth of the LORD has spoken. Isaiah 1:18-20

Before God brings any judgment, He always gives warnings. He is slow to anger and abounding in love. He wants all to be saved. But, He gives man free will. Each person gets to shoose his own future. May you choose the Lord God. His ways are higher than our ways, His thoughts higher than our thoughts. May His face shine upon you and give you Hi peace.

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The Prophet Isaiah Wed, 23 Jun 2021 07:15:00 +0000 The vision concerning Judah and Jerusalem that Isaiah son of Amoz saw during the reigns of Uzziah, Jotham, Ahaz and Hezekiah, kings of Judah. Hear me, you heavens! Listen, earth! For the LORD has spoken: “I reared children and brought them up, but they have rebelled against me. The ox knows its master, the donkey […]

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The vision concerning Judah and Jerusalem that Isaiah son of Amoz saw during the reigns of Uzziah, Jotham, Ahaz and Hezekiah, kings of Judah. Hear me, you heavens! Listen, earth! For the LORD has spoken: “I reared children and brought them up, but they have rebelled against me. The ox knows its master, the donkey its owner’s manger, but Israel does not know, my people do not understand.” Woe to the sinful nation, a people whose guilt is great, a brood of evildoers, children given to corruption! They have forsaken the LORD; they have spurned the Holy One of Israel and turned their backs on him. Why should you be beaten anymore? Why do you persist in rebellion? Your whole head is injured, your whole heart afflicted. From the sole of your foot to the top of your head there is no soundness–only wounds and welts and open sores, not cleansed or bandaged or soothed with olive oil. Your country is desolate, your cities burned with fire; your fields are being stripped by foreigners right before you, laid waste as when overthrown by strangers. Daughter Zion is left like a shelter in a vineyard, like a hut in a cucumber field, like a city under siege. Unless the LORD Almighty had left us some survivors, we would have become like Sodom, we would have been like Gomorrah. Isaiah 1:1-9

Our daily reading through the Bible in 2021 introduces us to the prophet Isaiah. Isaiah may be the greatest evangelist of God’s prophets. His ministry is mainly to Judah, the southern tribes. While there are more kings of Judah that did good, than kings of Israel, most of the kings of Judah did evil in the sight of the Lord.. As a result Isaiah’s prophecies tell the people about God’s judgment against religious formalism, idolatry, oppression, immorality, and pride. Isaiah pleads with the people to come to their senses before its too late.

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Get Out of Here, Stop Prophesying Tue, 22 Jun 2021 07:22:00 +0000 Then Amaziah the priest of Bethel sent a message to Jeroboam king of Israel: “Amos is raising a conspiracy against you in the very heart of Israel. The land cannot bear all his words. For this is what Amos is saying: ” ‘Jeroboam will die by the sword, and Israel will surely go into exile, […]

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Then Amaziah the priest of Bethel sent a message to Jeroboam king of Israel: “Amos is raising a conspiracy against you in the very heart of Israel. The land cannot bear all his words. For this is what Amos is saying: ” ‘Jeroboam will die by the sword, and Israel will surely go into exile, away from their native land.’ ” Then Amaziah said to Amos, “Get out, you seer! Go back to the land of Judah. Earn your bread there and do your prophesying there. Don’t prophesy anymore at Bethel, because this is the king’s sanctuary and the temple of the kingdom.” Amos 7:10-13

Do you ever feel like Amaziah the priest? God is speaking to you, but you don’t want to hear Him. Instead, you rely on your stature or the works of your hands. No Lord, I don’t need your correction – I’m good. Look, Lord, I teach Sunday School, or I lead a Bible study, or I feed the homeless. Those are all good actions, but what God really wants is your heart, then everything else will fall into place.

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May God Fogive You and have Mercy on You Mon, 21 Jun 2021 07:04:00 +0000 Seek good, not evil, that you may live. Then the LORD God Almighty will be with you, just as you say he is. Hate evil, love good; maintain justice in the courts. Perhaps the LORD God Almighty will have mercy on the remnant of Joseph. Amos 5:14-15 The prophecies of Amos not only call out […]

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Seek good, not evil, that you may live. Then the LORD God Almighty will be with you, just as you say he is. Hate evil, love good; maintain justice in the courts. Perhaps the LORD God Almighty will have mercy on the remnant of Joseph. Amos 5:14-15

The prophecies of Amos not only call out the evils of the northern tribes, but are an urgent call to Israel to repent. The time is coming that the Lord will bring judgment to Israel in the form of defeat to the Assyrians and captivity in a foreign land for many of Israel’s people. The time for judgment is not yet, so the people still have time to repent, and pray that God will have mercy on them. Even today in our lives this scenario could be playing out. Is there something the Lord has been warning you about? An attitude? A pattern of actions? Sin? You haven’t turned to God in repentance. Deep down you may know you should. If you would confess and repent, the Lord is faithful and just to forgive you your sins and cleanse you from all unrighteousness. He may even have mercy on you so you suffer no consequences. If this is you, don’t delay, don’t get carried off to “captivity.” You want to be free of bondage, so don’t hesitate. Do it now.

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The Prophet Amos Sun, 20 Jun 2021 07:01:00 +0000 The words of Amos, one of the shepherds of Tekoa–the vision he saw concerning Israel two years before the earthquake, when Uzziah was king of Judah and Jeroboam son of Jehoash was king of Israel. Amos 1:1 God calls a common man, a lowly shepherd from Tekoa, near Bethlehem in Judah to prophesy against Israel […]

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The words of Amos, one of the shepherds of Tekoa–the vision he saw concerning Israel two years before the earthquake, when Uzziah was king of Judah and Jeroboam son of Jehoash was king of Israel. Amos 1:1

God calls a common man, a lowly shepherd from Tekoa, near Bethlehem in Judah to prophesy against Israel and several other nations. Has God called you to be one of his prophets for today? As with Amos, it is not dependent on you being a pastor or evangelist or an author or celebrity. It is a matter of whether God has called you to speak what He tells you. Has God’s message to you been burning in your spirit that you can’t hold it in any longer. Is it such that even though you don’t want to speak it, you know that God putting it on your heart to be spoken to a specifc person or group, and you can’t suppress it, you can’t deny it. While some prophets in the Bible were trained to be prophets, some of them also became false prophets, speaking their own words, not God’s words. When you say, “the Lord says…” you better be sure it is the Lord that said it, and not you. The test of a prophet is simple. 100% accuracy every time, because if it is the Lord’s words they will be true. Don’t be caught up with the title “Prophet” but be a servant of the Lord. That is always the what we are called to do, and always the right thing to do.

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His Wayward People Sat, 19 Jun 2021 07:01:00 +0000 “When Israel was a child, I loved him, and out of Egypt I called my son. But the more they were called, the more they went away from me. They sacrificed to the Baals and they burned incense to images. It was I who taught Ephraim to walk, taking them by the arms; but they […]

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“When Israel was a child, I loved him, and out of Egypt I called my son. But the more they were called, the more they went away from me. They sacrificed to the Baals and they burned incense to images. It was I who taught Ephraim to walk, taking them by the arms; but they did not realize it was I who healed them. I led them with cords of human kindness, with ties of love. To them I was like one who lifts a little child to the cheek, and I bent down to feed them. “Will they not return to Egypt and will not Assyria rule over them because they refuse to repent? A sword will flash in their cities; it will devour their false prophets and put an end to their plans. My people are determined to turn from me. Even though they call me God Most High, I will by no means exalt them. Hosea 11:1-7

As Gentiles grafted into Israel and thus joint heirs with her, let us learn from history what to stay away from. Things that displease God. They are not a big secret, not even a small secret. God tells us straight forward in the Ten Commandments. You shall have no other god before me. Do not make for yourselves idols of wood or stone. Our creations are not God. There is only one God. Stay faithful to Him all the days of your life.

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I will go back to my place until they admit their guilt and seek me earnestly Fri, 18 Jun 2021 07:18:00 +0000 “When Ephraim saw his sickness, and Judah his sores, then Ephraim turned to Assyria, and sent to the great king for help. But he is not able to cure you, not able to heal your sores. For I will be like a lion to Ephraim, like a great lion to Judah. I will tear them […]

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“When Ephraim saw his sickness, and Judah his sores, then Ephraim turned to Assyria, and sent to the great king for help. But he is not able to cure you, not able to heal your sores. For I will be like a lion to Ephraim, like a great lion to Judah. I will tear them to pieces and go away; I will carry them off, with no one to rescue them. Then I will return to my lair until they have borne their guilt and seek my face–in their misery they will earnestly seek me.” Hosea 5:13-15

When Ephraim (Israel) and Judah saw the judgment of God being poured out on them, they turned to the Assyrians for help. In a way it is like in Revelation where the kings of this world join up to fight against God. Will man never learn? Back in Hosea, despite their attempts, Israel and Judah cannot heal themselves, man is not able to produce a cure for what ails them. God says He will carry them off with no one to rescue them. Then He will go back to His place, until they admit their guilt. And they will seek His face; in their misery they will earnestly seek Him. Prophecies often have a primary and secondary meaning. Here, the primary is in the present, in fact, Israel and Judah express repentance in Hosea 6, “Come let us return to the Lord. He has torn us to pieces, but he will heal us; he has injured us, but he will bind up our wounds.” Unfortunately, this repentance is short lived and Israel is later taken into captivity by the Assyrians, the very people they had earlier sought help from against God. That is God’s justice. The secondary meaning in this prophecy may be futuristic. When God says He will go back to my place until they admit their guilt, some say this talks of the current state of Israel, as Romans tells us Israel has experienced a hardening in part until the full number of the Gentiles has come in. And so all Israel will be saved. So the Jews failure to receive God’s grace because they tried to earn it through the Law led to God’s grace being extended to the Gentiles, which was God’s plan from the beginning. When the current nation of Israel repents and seeks God with all their heart, soul, mind, and strength, God will fulfill this prophecy. This may usher in the return of Christ. God does cause all things to work together for good, for those that are called according to his purpose.

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Hosea Thu, 17 Jun 2021 07:01:00 +0000 The LORD said to me, “Go, show your love to your wife again, though she is loved by another man and is an adulteress. Love her as the LORD loves the Israelites, though they turn to other gods and love the sacred raisin cakes.” So I bought her for fifteen shekels of silver and about […]

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The LORD said to me, “Go, show your love to your wife again, though she is loved by another man and is an adulteress. Love her as the LORD loves the Israelites, though they turn to other gods and love the sacred raisin cakes.” So I bought her for fifteen shekels of silver and about a homer and a lethek of barley. Then I told her, “You are to live with me many days; you must not be a prostitute or be intimate with any man, and I will behave the same way toward you.” For the Israelites will live many days without king or prince, without sacrifice or sacred stones, without ephod or household gods. Afterward the Israelites will return and seek the LORD their God and David their king. They will come trembling to the LORD and to his blessings in the last days. Hosea 3:1-5

Hosea’s prophecies show God’s love for the nation He picked out of all the nations in the world. The people that are the apple of His eye. Yet the people in the divided kingdoms often do what God hates and warns against the most, worshipping idols and false gods.

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Jonah and the Big Fish Wed, 16 Jun 2021 07:01:00 +0000 Jonah obeyed the word of the LORD and went to Nineveh. Now Nineveh was a very large city; it took three days to go through it. Jonah began by going a day’s journey into the city, proclaiming, “Forty more days and Nineveh will be overthrown.” The Ninevites believed God. A fast was proclaimed, and all […]

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Jonah obeyed the word of the LORD and went to Nineveh. Now Nineveh was a very large city; it took three days to go through it. Jonah began by going a day’s journey into the city, proclaiming, “Forty more days and Nineveh will be overthrown.” The Ninevites believed God. A fast was proclaimed, and all of them, from the greatest to the least, put on sackcloth. When Jonah’s warning reached the king of Nineveh, he rose from his throne, took off his royal robes, covered himself with sackcloth and sat down in the dust. This is the proclamation he issued in Nineveh: “By the decree of the king and his nobles: Do not let people or animals, herds or flocks, taste anything; do not let them eat or drink. But let people and animals be covered with sackcloth. Let everyone call urgently on God. Let them give up their evil ways and their violence. Who knows? God may yet relent and with compassion turn from his fierce anger so that we will not perish.” When God saw what they did and how they turned from their evil ways, he relented and did not bring on them the destruction he had threatened. Jonah 3:3-10

Children know the story of Jonah and the whale. The miracle in the story was not that Jonah was swallowed by a big fish and thus saved, but that Ninevah, a large heathen city, believed God, repented from the least to the king, and as a result God’s wrath on the city was turned away for up to 150 years. Even the non-believing Ninevites repented of their evil ways, hoping that God would relent from his fierce anger. There was hope there, and that hope led even this heathen city to survival. How much more will God to for His people if they will humble themselves and pray, and turn from their wicked ways. This is true today as it was back then. If you are caught in wicked ways, repent and turn away now, while it is still today.

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Is There Hope? Tue, 15 Jun 2021 07:01:00 +0000 A question often asked during times of despair or rampant evil: Is there hope? Throughout the ages different people have asked the question. In any conflict or war, when one side is clearly beating the other, the losing side is searching for hope to turn things around. Can things be turned around? Yes, there is […]

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A question often asked during times of despair or rampant evil: Is there hope? Throughout the ages different people have asked the question. In any conflict or war, when one side is clearly beating the other, the losing side is searching for hope to turn things around. Can things be turned around? Yes, there is always hope. Hope for an unsaved family member or friend. Hope for breakthrough in demanding situations. Hope for healing when all the doctors have given up. Hope in seemingly hopeless situations. Hope that can only come from God. But sometimes you have to hit rock bottom. Such was the direction of Israel and Judah. A too familiar set of phrases repeat through the history of the rulers of the divided kingdoms.

In the fifteenth year of Amaziah son of Joash king of Judah, Jeroboam son of Jehoash king of Israel became king in Samaria, and he reigned forty-one years. He did evil in the eyes of the LORD and did not turn away from any of the sins of Jeroboam son of Nebat, which he had caused Israel to commit. 2 Kings 14:23-24

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The Ungrateful (might as well be) Dead Mon, 14 Jun 2021 07:18:00 +0000 After the death of Jehoiada, the officials of Judah came and paid homage to the king, and he listened to them. They abandoned the temple of the LORD, the God of their ancestors, and worshiped Asherah poles and idols. Because of their guilt, God’s anger came on Judah and Jerusalem. Although the LORD sent prophets […]

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After the death of Jehoiada, the officials of Judah came and paid homage to the king, and he listened to them. They abandoned the temple of the LORD, the God of their ancestors, and worshiped Asherah poles and idols. Because of their guilt, God’s anger came on Judah and Jerusalem. Although the LORD sent prophets to the people to bring them back to him, and though they testified against them, they would not listen. Then the Spirit of God came on Zechariah son of Jehoiada the priest. He stood before the people and said, “This is what God says: ‘Why do you disobey the LORD’s commands? You will not prosper. Because you have forsaken the LORD, he has forsaken you.’ ” But they plotted against him, and by order of the king they stoned him to death in the courtyard of the LORD’s temple. King Joash did not remember the kindness Zechariah’s father Jehoiada had shown him but killed his son, who said as he lay dying, “May the LORD see this and call you to account.” 2 Chronicles 24:17-22

King Joash and the officials of Judah abandoned the Lord and followed idols and other gods after the death of Jehoiada. While Jehoiada was alive, King Joash was for the Lord, even having the temple repairs completed, but now that Jehoiada has passed, Joash goes as far as ordering the death of Zechariah, the son of Jehoiada. After all that Jehoiada had done for Joash as a child king to now a king on his own, he shows no kindness to the family of Jehoiada. Joash is another example, as was King Solomon, that faith in God is a lifetime pursuit. You can do everything for the Lord early in life, but fall away later in life if you don’t keep a soft and humble heart toward the Lord.

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Prophecy of Joel Sun, 13 Jun 2021 07:47:00 +0000 “Even now,” declares the LORD, “return to me with all your heart, with fasting and weeping and mourning.” Rend your heart and not your garments. Return to the LORD your God, for he is gracious and compassionate, slow to anger and abounding in love, and he relents from sending calamity. Joel 2:12-13 An apparent swarm […]

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“Even now,” declares the LORD, “return to me with all your heart, with fasting and weeping and mourning.” Rend your heart and not your garments. Return to the LORD your God, for he is gracious and compassionate, slow to anger and abounding in love, and he relents from sending calamity. Joel 2:12-13

An apparent swarm of locusts devastates Judah, destroying crops and food supplies. The prophet Joel uses this invasion to describe another coming invasion, the Day of the Lord, when God will bring all mankind to an ultimate accounting for their lives and deeds. Despite the heaviness of Joel’s prophecy, he urges the people to fast and pray and repent – “rend your hearts” to stay God’s judgment. Our world today is in chaos in many ways, yet many people are blind to what’s going on. The Day of the Lord, His judgment is still coming. Thank God that Jesus is also still returning. Jesus is still in the business of reconciling man to God through his redemption on the cross. Pass it on while it is still today.

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Time Will Tell Sat, 12 Jun 2021 07:02:00 +0000 Joash was seven years old when he began to reign. In the seventh year of Jehu, Joash became king, and he reigned in Jerusalem forty years. His mother’s name was Zibiah; she was from Beersheba. Joash did what was right in the eyes of the LORD all the years Jehoiada the priest instructed him. 2 […]

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Joash was seven years old when he began to reign. In the seventh year of Jehu, Joash became king, and he reigned in Jerusalem forty years. His mother’s name was Zibiah; she was from Beersheba. Joash did what was right in the eyes of the LORD all the years Jehoiada the priest instructed him. 2 Kings 11:21 – 12:2

Joash was the youngest king in Israel’s history, including the divided kingdoms of Israel (northern) and Judah (south). Throughout the nearly 500 years of ruler ship under kings, there good kings exhibiting greatness, wisdom, heroism, and selflessness, but mostly bad kings marked by treachery, power plays, coups, assassinations, and idol worship. Joash’s story is intriguing. His grandfather Jehoram, king of Judah, dies of diseases, his son Ahaziah takes over as king. Jehoram’s wife Athaliah is the daughter of Ahab and Jezebel, king and queen of Israel. This family tie leads to some cooperation between members of the divided kingdom as Jehu who with zeal for the Lord was executing judgment against Ahab’s family also found some of Ahaziah’s sons and relatives and killed them, and was led to Ahaziah himself and killed him, too. Ahaziah’s mother Athaliah sees that her son the king is dead makes a power play and kills the remaining royal family and takes control of Judah. Unbeknownst to Athaliah, her youngest grandson Joash was taken by his aunt during the coup. For the next six years he is hidden and raised by his aunt and uncle, Jehoiada the priest. Behind the scenes Jehoiada works to form coalitions and make covenants to bring Joash back and make a descendant of David king over Judah again. At the young age of seven Joash is made king, and under the guidance of Jehoiada, the people return to the Lord. They tear down the temple of Baal, smashing the altars and idols, killing their priests. Joash did what was right in the eyes of the Lord all the years Jehoiada the priest instructed him. Jehoiada served the Lord all his life, yet his greatest marks were the influence he had in leading a young boy into manhood in living for the Lord. Will you be a Jehoiada, faithful in serving the Lord, yet having the best still yet to come when you pour your life into a relationship mentoring a young believer? Time will tell.

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Ben Hadad, Hazael, Elisha, Hazael, Ben-Hadad Fri, 11 Jun 2021 07:27:00 +0000 Elisha went to Damascus, and Ben-Hadad king of Aram was ill. When the king was told, “The man of God has come all the way up here,” he said to Hazael, “Take a gift with you and go to meet the man of God. Consult the LORD through him; ask him, ‘Will I recover from […]

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Elisha went to Damascus, and Ben-Hadad king of Aram was ill. When the king was told, “The man of God has come all the way up here,” he said to Hazael, “Take a gift with you and go to meet the man of God. Consult the LORD through him; ask him, ‘Will I recover from this illness?’ ” Hazael went to meet Elisha, taking with him as a gift forty camel-loads of all the finest wares of Damascus. He went in and stood before him, and said, “Your son Ben-Hadad king of Aram has sent me to ask, ‘Will I recover from this illness?’ ” Elisha answered, “Go and say to him, ‘You will certainly recover.’ Nevertheless, the LORD has revealed to me that he will in fact die.” 2 Kings 8:7-10

The king of Aram is ill. He sends his servant Hazael to go to Elisha and ask him if the king will recover from his illness. Elisha’s reply is somewhat puzzling. Tell him he will recover, but he will in fact die? There is a more as God reveals to Elisha, who shares it with Hazael, that Hazael will bring harm to the Israelites. He will set fire to their fortified places, kill their young men, dash their little children to the ground, and rip open their pregnant women. Hazael is puzzled, and asks Elisha how he, a servant, a ”mere dog” would accomplish such a feat? The Lord has showed Elisha that Hazael would become king of Aram. When Hazael returned to the king, he kills the king and succeeds him as king. The Lord used King Hazael to oppress Israel because of the sins the king of Israel caused the people to turn from the Lord. When the king turned and sought the Lord’s favor, the Lord listened to him and provided a deliverer against Aram. In a bit of irony, after Hazael dies, his son named Ben Hadad succeeds him as king.

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Elisha Brings Peace From Aram Thu, 10 Jun 2021 07:08:00 +0000 “Go, find out where he is,” the king ordered, “so I can send men and capture him.” The report came back: “He is in Dothan.” Then he sent horses and chariots and a strong force there. They went by night and surrounded the city. When the servant of the man of God got up and […]

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“Go, find out where he is,” the king ordered, “so I can send men and capture him.” The report came back: “He is in Dothan.” Then he sent horses and chariots and a strong force there. They went by night and surrounded the city. When the servant of the man of God got up and went out early the next morning, an army with horses and chariots had surrounded the city. “Oh no, my lord! What shall we do?” the servant asked. “Don’t be afraid,” the prophet answered. “Those who are with us are more than those who are with them.” And Elisha prayed, “Open his eyes, LORD, so that he may see.” Then the LORD opened the servant’s eyes, and he looked and saw the hills full of horses and chariots of fire all around Elisha. As the enemy came down toward him, Elisha prayed to the LORD, “Strike this army with blindness.” So he struck them with blindness, as Elisha had asked. Elisha told them, “This is not the road and this is not the city. Follow me, and I will lead you to the man you are looking for.” And he led them to Samaria. 2 Kings 6:13-19

At this time the king of Aram was at war with Israel (northern tribes). The king of Aram’s efforts against Israel are thwarted time after time by Elisha giving the king of Israel information from the Lord. The king of Aram is enraged and orders his men to find Elisha and capture him. They surround the city of Dothan and started coming in to capture Elisha. I can just see this next scene playing out on a large cinematic screen with cameras scanning the imposing forces. Cameras focus in on Gehazi, Elisha’s servant, who seeing all the horses and chariots surrounding them is scared for his life, “Oh no, my lord! What shall we do?” Elisha enters center stage and calmly tells Gehazi, “Don’t be afraid, for those with us are more than those against us.” Once again the camera comes in for a close up of Elisha who confidently prays, “Open his eyes, Lord, so he may see.” The camera shows Gehazi’s eyes light up in amazement, then begins to do a 360 degree scan of the Lord’s army with horses and chariots of fire standing watch surrounding Elisha. Up lifting, marching type music is blaring, but as the king of Aram’s men begin to approach, the music becomes a scattered, disjointed tune as Elisha prays and the Lord strikes the Arameans with blindness. The scriptures tell us as the blinded men approach Elisha, he tells them they are in the wrong city, but he will lead them to the right city and the man they are looking for. So Elisha leads them to Samaria, where the king of Israel lives.

Once in Samaria, Elisha prays that the blinded men’s eyes would be opened, and they looked around and they were there, inside of Samaria. The king of Israel captures the Arameans, and asks Elisha, “Shall I kill them?” This would be the natural thing to do in that day and circumstance, kill your enemy. But Elisha tells the king not to kill them, in fact to give them food and water and release them to go back to their master. The king did as the prophet Elisha directed him, and they were let go to return to their master. The scripture ends this story with the bands from Aram stopped raiding Israel’s territory. Here is the Proverbs (25:21-22) in action, “If your enemy is hungry, give him food to eat, if he is thirsty, give him water to drink. In doing this you will heap burning coals on his head, and the Lord will reward you.” Paul adds on to this Proverb in Romans 12:20-21, saying, “Do not be overcome by evil, but overcome evil with good.”

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Edom Stands Judged Wed, 09 Jun 2021 07:01:00 +0000 Because of the violence against your brother Jacob, you will be covered with shame; you will be destroyed forever. Obadiah 1:10 Obadiah’s prophecy against Edom predicts the certain doom that awaits this country that was judged because of her pride in rejoicing over the misfortunes that befell Jerusalem and the trouble it brought on it’s […]

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Because of the violence against your brother Jacob, you will be covered with shame; you will be destroyed forever. Obadiah 1:10

Obadiah’s prophecy against Edom predicts the certain doom that awaits this country that was judged because of her pride in rejoicing over the misfortunes that befell Jerusalem and the trouble it brought on it’s brother Israel. From the womb there was tension between Esau and Jacob. This conflict did not stop through their descendants for over a thousand years. We see it when Israel becomes a nation and their request to pass through Edom on their way to the Promised Land is rejected causing Israel to have to take the long way around Edom. It continued through fighting with King Saul, then King David, and opposition against Solomon, Jehoshaphat, and Jehoram. Obadiah predicts that Edom will reap what it sows, and will be brought to ruin which is confirmed through history. Obadiah’s prophecy stands as a warning to the enemies of God’s people, especially those who ought to be brothers.

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Edom Stands Judged Tue, 08 Jun 2021 07:18:35 +0000 Because of the violence against your brother Jacob, you will be covered with shame; you will be destroyed forever. Obadiah 1:10 Obadiah’s prophecy against Edom predicts the certain doom that awaits this country that was judged because of her pride in rejoicing over the misfortunes that befell Jerusalem and the trouble it brought on it’s […]

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Because of the violence against your brother Jacob, you will be covered with shame; you will be destroyed forever. Obadiah 1:10

Obadiah’s prophecy against Edom predicts the certain doom that awaits this country that was judged because of her pride in rejoicing over the misfortunes that befell Jerusalem and the trouble it brought on it’s brother Israel. From the womb there was tension between Esau and Jacob. This conflict did not stop through their descendants for over a thousand years. We see it when Israel becomes a nation and their request to pass through Edom on their way to the Promised Land is rejected causing Israel to have to take the long way around Edom. It continued through fighting with King Saul, then King David, and opposition against Solomon, Jehoshaphat, and Jehoram. Obadiah predicts that Edom will reap what it sows, and will be brought to ruin which is confirmed through history. Obadiah’s prophecy stands as a warning to the enemies of God’s people, especially those who ought to be brothers.

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The Lord Will Deliver Tue, 08 Jun 2021 07:01:00 +0000 But now bring me a harpist.” While the harpist was playing, the hand of the LORD came on Elisha and he said, “This is what the LORD says: I will fill this valley with pools of water. For this is what the LORD says: You will see neither wind nor rain, yet this valley will […]

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But now bring me a harpist.” While the harpist was playing, the hand of the LORD came on Elisha and he said, “This is what the LORD says: I will fill this valley with pools of water. For this is what the LORD says: You will see neither wind nor rain, yet this valley will be filled with water, and you, your cattle and your other animals will drink. This is an easy thing in the eyes of the LORD; he will also deliver Moab into your hands. You will overthrow every fortified city and every major town. You will cut down every good tree, stop up all the springs, and ruin every good field with stones.” The next morning, about the time for offering the sacrifice, there it was–water flowing from the direction of Edom! And the land was filled with water. 2 Kings 3:15-20

Elisha is called upon by the Kings of Judah, Israel, and Edom to inquire of the Lord as they battle against the king of Moab. Elisha delivers the message of what the Lord will do, and the next morning water filled the land. To the Moabites with the morning sun shining on the water it looked like blood. The Moabites thought the three kings must have fought among themselves and slaughtered each other. They move in to take the anticipated plunder, only to find the men of the three kings alive and well. The Moabites are cut down, and the Israelites invaded the land and slaughtered the Moabites and accomplished all that the Lord spoke through Elisha. The Lord is not slow to act. He is always on time, His time. Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding. In all your ways acknowledge Him, and He will make your paths straight.

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Elijah, Elisha, John the Baptist and Jesus Mon, 07 Jun 2021 07:02:53 +0000 As they were walking along and talking together, suddenly a chariot of fire and horses of fire appeared and separated the two of them, and Elijah went up to heaven in a whirlwind. … Elisha then picked up Elijah’s cloak that had fallen from him and went back and stood on the bank of the […]

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As they were walking along and talking together, suddenly a chariot of fire and horses of fire appeared and separated the two of them, and Elijah went up to heaven in a whirlwind. … Elisha then picked up Elijah’s cloak that had fallen from him and went back and stood on the bank of the Jordan. He took the cloak that had fallen from Elijah and struck the water with it. “Where now is the LORD, the God of Elijah?” he asked. When he struck the water, it divided to the right and to the left, and he crossed over. The company of the prophets from Jericho, who were watching, said, “The spirit of Elijah is resting on Elisha.” And they went to meet him and bowed to the ground before him. 2 Kings 2:11, 13-15

When Elijah was taken into heaven, his protégé Elisha succeeds him. Elisha goes on to exceed Elijah in the number of miracles recorded in the Bible as well as his ministry in general. Elijah is highly regarded in Judaism as he is prophesied to come first before the Messiah comes. This is why a door is left open during the Passover Seder in hopes that Elijah would come and be followed shortly by Messiah. Jesus, the Messiah, said that prophesy was fulfilled by John the Baptist who was his forerunner. A worthwhile study for anyone interested is a comparison of the life and miracles of Jesus and Elisha, both who are designated by one recognized in his time as a true prophet, and in a sense by the same prophet although separated by roughly 900 years.

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For the Lord Sun, 06 Jun 2021 07:11:00 +0000 Jehoshaphat lived in Jerusalem, and he went out again among the people from Beersheba to the hill country of Ephraim and turned them back to the LORD, the God of their ancestors. He appointed judges in the land, in each of the fortified cities of Judah. He told them, “Consider carefully what you do, because […]

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Jehoshaphat lived in Jerusalem, and he went out again among the people from Beersheba to the hill country of Ephraim and turned them back to the LORD, the God of their ancestors. He appointed judges in the land, in each of the fortified cities of Judah. He told them, “Consider carefully what you do, because you are not judging for mere mortals but for the LORD, who is with you whenever you give a verdict. 2 Chronicles 19:4-6

The appointed judges represented the Lord in the decisions they made. The people would see the wisdom, mercy and justice of their God if they served Him and carried out their jobs accordingly. It was not about them, but about their God. It is similar with each believer. Whether we are actual judges or anything from the lowest to the highest job in the land, we should do our best, doing our work as working for the Lord. Colossians 3:23 tells us whatever you do, work at it with all your heart, as working for the Lord, not for human masters.

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God Knows a Humble Heart Sat, 05 Jun 2021 07:01:00 +0000 When Ahab heard these words, he tore his clothes, put on sackcloth and fasted. He lay in sackcloth and went around meekly. Then the word of the LORD came to Elijah the Tishbite: “Have you noticed how Ahab has humbled himself before me? Because he has humbled himself, I will not bring this disaster in […]

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When Ahab heard these words, he tore his clothes, put on sackcloth and fasted. He lay in sackcloth and went around meekly. Then the word of the LORD came to Elijah the Tishbite: “Have you noticed how Ahab has humbled himself before me? Because he has humbled himself, I will not bring this disaster in his day, but I will bring it on his house in the days of his son.” 1 Kings 21:27-29

The wicked King Ahab desired Naboth’s vineyard so much, the wicked Queen Jezebel schemes to have Naboth killed so Ahab can take possession of the vineyard. At the Lord’s direction Elijah confronts Ahab and says to him, This is what the Lord says: Have you not murdered a man and seized his property? In the place where dogs licked up Naboth’s blood, dogs will lick up your blood – yes, yours! And concerning Jezebel, Dogs will devour Jezebel by the wall of Jezreel. Dogs will eat those belonging to Ahab who die in the city, and the birds of the air will feed on those who die in the country. Our verses today tell of Ahab’s response to Elijah. God recognizes true repentance, even that of an evil man like Ahab, and turns His wrath away. God looks at the heart, it is never too late to repent and turn to the Lord. But, Ahab will return to his sinful ways, and his sins will bring disaster on his house after this temporary reprieve.

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The Lord – He is God! The Lord – He is God! Fri, 04 Jun 2021 07:03:00 +0000 He arranged the wood, cut the bull into pieces and laid it on the wood. Then he said to them, “Fill four large jars with water and pour it on the offering and on the wood.” “Do it again,” he said, and they did it again. “Do it a third time,” he ordered, and they […]

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He arranged the wood, cut the bull into pieces and laid it on the wood. Then he said to them, “Fill four large jars with water and pour it on the offering and on the wood.” “Do it again,” he said, and they did it again. “Do it a third time,” he ordered, and they did it the third time. The water ran down around the altar and even filled the trench. At the time of sacrifice, the prophet Elijah stepped forward and prayed: “LORD, the God of Abraham, Isaac and Israel, let it be known today that you are God in Israel and that I am your servant and have done all these things at your command. Answer me, LORD, answer me, so these people will know that you, LORD, are God, and that you are turning their hearts back again.” Then the fire of the LORD fell and burned up the sacrifice, the wood, the stones and the soil, and also licked up the water in the trench. 1 Kings 18:30-38

Elijah the prophet challenged the 450 prophets of Baal to a duel of Gods. Before the duel starts Elijah asks the people to make up their minds, if the Lord is God, follow him, but if Baal is God, follow him. But the people say nothing, they will not commit. The prophets of Baal have the first shot at showing everyone that Baal is God. But their cries are not answered all day. Their sacrifice lies untouched on the altar. It is near the end of the day and Elijah gets his chance to call on the Lord God. His sacrifice is set up and for good measure he has 4 large jars of water poured over the sacrifice and wood three times until the water runs off the altar and fills the surrounding trench. Then Elijah prays to the Lord and asks Him to answer him so the people will know that you Lord are God, any you are turning their hearts back again. The Lord answers as only He can. He brings fire down that burns up the sacrifice, the wood, the stone altar, the soil, and all the water in the trench. There is no question that the Lord showed Himself. And the people’s response? Their hearts turn to God and they fall prostrate and cry out, The Lord – He is God! The Lord – He is God! If there was ever any doubt of who is greater, The Lord God left no question it is He!

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Hear the Word, Act on the Word Thu, 03 Jun 2021 07:01:00 +0000 The Spirit of God came on Azariah son of Oded. He went out to meet Asa and said to him, “Listen to me, Asa and all Judah and Benjamin. The LORD is with you when you are with him. If you seek him, he will be found by you, but if you forsake him, he […]

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The Spirit of God came on Azariah son of Oded. He went out to meet Asa and said to him, “Listen to me, Asa and all Judah and Benjamin. The LORD is with you when you are with him. If you seek him, he will be found by you, but if you forsake him, he will forsake you. For a long time Israel was without the true God, without a priest to teach and without the law. But in their distress they turned to the LORD, the God of Israel, and sought him, and he was found by them. In those days it was not safe to travel about, for all the inhabitants of the lands were in great turmoil. One nation was being crushed by another and one city by another, because God was troubling them with every kind of distress. But as for you, be strong and do not give up, for your work will be rewarded.” When Asa heard these words and the prophecy of Azariah son of Oded the prophet, he took courage. He removed the detestable idols from the whole land of Judah and Benjamin and from the towns he had captured in the hills of Ephraim. He repaired the altar of the LORD that was in front of the portico of the LORD’s temple. 2 Chronicles 15:1-8

Asa, king of Judah, showed true strength and trust in God. How often do we hear God, but don’t do anything about it. Here, Asa gets encouragement from God through the prophet Azariah. “Be strong and do not give up, for your work will be rewarded.” Asa’s actions is rewarded with four more years of peace. Asa’s example for us is similar to another leader of Israel given the charge to be strong and courageous, Joshua, who led Israel into the Promised Land. Each of us is called to be strong and courageous in the army of God. His is not army of soldiers, but rather an army of believers who trust and obey the Lord their God. Believers who seek glory for their king, rather than themselves. Those who put God and others before themselves. Are you enlisted in the army of God? Don’t hesitate, the reward is heavenly.

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Humble Yourself Before Him Wed, 02 Jun 2021 07:01:00 +0000 After Rehoboam’s position as king was established and he had become strong, he and all Israel with him abandoned the law of the LORD. Because they had been unfaithful to the LORD, Shishak king of Egypt attacked Jerusalem in the fifth year of King Rehoboam. With twelve hundred chariots and sixty thousand horsemen and the […]

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After Rehoboam’s position as king was established and he had become strong, he and all Israel with him abandoned the law of the LORD. Because they had been unfaithful to the LORD, Shishak king of Egypt attacked Jerusalem in the fifth year of King Rehoboam. With twelve hundred chariots and sixty thousand horsemen and the innumerable troops of Libyans, Sukkites and Cushites that came with him from Egypt, he captured the fortified cities of Judah and came as far as Jerusalem. Then the prophet Shemaiah came to Rehoboam and to the leaders of Judah who had assembled in Jerusalem for fear of Shishak, and he said to them, “This is what the LORD says, ‘You have abandoned me; therefore, I now abandon you to Shishak.’ ” The leaders of Israel and the king humbled themselves and said, “The LORD is just.” When the LORD saw that they humbled themselves, this word of the LORD came to Shemaiah: “Since they have humbled themselves, I will not destroy them but will soon give them deliverance. My wrath will not be poured out on Jerusalem through Shishak. They will, however, become subject to him, so that they may learn the difference between serving me and serving the kings of other lands.” 2 Chronicles 12:1-8

Rehoboam has been king for about 5 years when he and the southern Israelite tribes (Judah) are attacked and overwhelmed by Shishak king of Egypt. They capture fortified cities of Judah. When the prophet tells the leaders of Judah why they have been defeated by Shishak, they humble themselves before the Lord. When the Lord sees that the leaders humbled themselves He does not destroy them, but promises to deliver them soon. God used Shishak to bring judgment on Judah. Only their humbling themselves saved them from certain death. Before God delivers them He makes Judah serve Shishak for a period of time before delivering them. He teaches them the difference between serving the Lord God who loves them and a foreign king who would have killed them if not for the Lord’s intervention. What a lesson for us today. When we fall into sin, humble yourself, repent of your sin, don’t try to hide it from God. Doubling down on sinful actions puts you in bondage to that sin. Let the Lord free you through your confession and repentance. He is faithful to forgive your sin if you do so.

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The Divided Kingdom Tue, 01 Jun 2021 07:42:20 +0000 The king answered the people harshly. Rejecting the advice given him by the elders, he followed the advice of the young men and said, “My father made your yoke heavy; I will make it even heavier. My father scourged you with whips; I will scourge you with scorpions.” So the king did not listen to […]

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The king answered the people harshly. Rejecting the advice given him by the elders, he followed the advice of the young men and said, “My father made your yoke heavy; I will make it even heavier. My father scourged you with whips; I will scourge you with scorpions.” So the king did not listen to the people, for this turn of events was from the LORD, to fulfill the word the LORD had spoken to Jeroboam son of Nebat through Ahijah the Shilonite. When all Israel saw that the king refused to listen to them, they answered the king: “What share do we have in David, what part in Jesse’s son? To your tents, Israel! Look after your own house, David!” So the Israelites went home. But as for the Israelites who were living in the towns of Judah, Rehoboam still ruled over them. 1 Kings 12:13-17

King Solomon has passed away. His son Rehoboam succeeds him as king. Too bad succeeding Solomon doesn’t bring success with it. King Rehoboam in his first big decision as king, listens to the advice of young men who grew up with him rather than the advice of the elders, and promises to put an even heavier burden on the people than his father Solomon did. This decision brings about the split in Israel that lasts some 200 years until the northern tribes fall to the Assyrians around 723 BC and many taken as captives to Assyria. Taking wise council in the very beginning could have kept Israel together as a country. Accepting council from your elders is both wise and godly, something we should all practice.

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Solomon’s Conclusion Mon, 31 May 2021 07:21:00 +0000 Now all has been heard; here is the conclusion of the matter: Fear God and keep his commandments, for this is the duty of all mankind. For God will bring every deed into judgment, including every hidden thing, whether it is good or evil. Ecclesiastes 12:13-14 Solomon reaches his conclusion for the meaning of life. […]

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Now all has been heard; here is the conclusion of the matter: Fear God and keep his commandments, for this is the duty of all mankind. For God will bring every deed into judgment, including every hidden thing, whether it is good or evil. Ecclesiastes 12:13-14

Solomon reaches his conclusion for the meaning of life. To fear God is to recognize and respect that He is God and we are his creation. Solomon’s call for all men to obey God, keeping His commandments pleases God and fulfills man’s destiny. Man was created to have fellowship with his creator. Doing so, having a right relationship with God is our purpose in life, is what gives life meaning. Being in a right relationship with God truly makes all the things Solomon reviewed, analyzed, and contemplated meaningless, a chasing after the wind. God is in control, all the rest of these things are secondary to Him.

Solomon’s life concludes with his passing away. Scripture says Solomon reigned in Jerusalem over all Israel forty years. Then he rested with his fathers and was buried in the city of David his father. And Rehoboam his son succeeded him as king. In the end, Solomon’s life was as it is for everyone. The things that mattered were in the earlier times of his kingship when he followed the Lord wholeheartedly. That gave meaning and purpose to his life.

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Meaningless, Meaningless, Everything is Meaningless Sun, 30 May 2021 07:53:00 +0000 There is a time for everything, and a season for every activity under the heavens: a time to be born and a time to die, a time to plant and a time to uproot, a time to kill and a time to heal, a time to tear down and a time to build, a time […]

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There is a time for everything, and a season for every activity under the heavens: a time to be born and a time to die, a time to plant and a time to uproot, a time to kill and a time to heal, a time to tear down and a time to build, a time to weep and a time to laugh, a time to mourn and a time to dance, a time to scatter stones and a time to gather them, a time to embrace and a time to refrain from embracing, a time to search and a time to give up, a time to keep and a time to throw away, a time to tear and a time to mend, a time to be silent and a time to speak, a time to love and a time to hate, a time for war and a time for peace. What do workers gain from their toil? I have seen the burden God has laid on the human race. He has made everything beautiful in its time. He has also set eternity in the human heart; yet no one can fathom what God has done from beginning to end. I know that there is nothing better for people than to be happy and to do good while they live. That each of them may eat and drink, and find satisfaction in all their toil–this is the gift of God. I know that everything God does will endure forever; nothing can be added to it and nothing taken from it. God does it so that people will fear him. Ecclesiastes 3:1-14

Another word that Solomon uses to describe the many things from which man seeks meaning is “meaningless”. While there is a time for everything, there is nothing new – whatever is has already been done, and what will be has been done before; and God will call the past to account. Wickedness was there in place of judgment and justice, but God will bring judgment on both the righteous and the wicked. Man’s efforts to make his life meaningful is futile, it is meaningless. Everything is meaningless. If this is the case, man is in sad shape. Who will save man and give him the meaning in life he so desires?

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Chasing After the Wind Sat, 29 May 2021 07:35:00 +0000 I became greater by far than anyone in Jerusalem before me. In all this my wisdom stayed with me. I denied myself nothing my eyes desired; I refused my heart no pleasure. My heart took delight in all my labor, and this was the reward for all my toil. Yet when I surveyed all that […]

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I became greater by far than anyone in Jerusalem before me. In all this my wisdom stayed with me. I denied myself nothing my eyes desired; I refused my heart no pleasure. My heart took delight in all my labor, and this was the reward for all my toil. Yet when I surveyed all that my hands had done and what I had toiled to achieve, everything was meaningless, a chasing after the wind; nothing was gained under the sun. Ecclesiastes 2:9-11

A recurring phrase used by Solomon is “a chasing after the wind.” The phrase describes the futility of the effort. No matter how much or how fast or how long you chase the wind, you never catch it. You never get anything out of chasing the wind, other than tired, worn out, and defeated. As far as being caught, the wind is undefeated. Solomon looked at his wisdom, and even that he concluded was chasing after the wind. With his wisdom he analyzed pleasure, achievement, work, oppression, achievements, relationships, politics, false worship, wealth, materialism, prosperity, defiance, wickedness, injustice, and strength, and found them all falling short of providing meaning to one’s life – they were all chasing after the wind. What then is the meaning of life? What purpose is man here for? These questions have been asked since man was created. Many have sought it, few have found it, but it is available to everyone

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Ecclesiastes – The Search for Meaning Fri, 28 May 2021 07:16:00 +0000 The words of the Teacher, son of David, king in Jerusalem: “Meaningless! Meaningless!” says the Teacher. “Utterly meaningless! Everything is meaningless.” What do people gain from all their labors at which they toil under the sun? Generations come and generations go, but the earth remains forever. The sun rises and the sun sets, and hurries […]

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The words of the Teacher, son of David, king in Jerusalem: “Meaningless! Meaningless!” says the Teacher. “Utterly meaningless! Everything is meaningless.” What do people gain from all their labors at which they toil under the sun? Generations come and generations go, but the earth remains forever. The sun rises and the sun sets, and hurries back to where it rises. The wind blows to the south and turns to the north; round and round it goes, ever returning on its course. All streams flow into the sea, yet the sea is never full. To the place the streams come from, there they return again. All things are wearisome, more than one can say. The eye never has enough of seeing, nor the ear its fill of hearing. What has been will be again, what has been done will be done again; there is nothing new under the sun. Is there anything of which one can say, “Look! This is something new”? It was here already, long ago; it was here before our time. No one remembers the former generations, and even those yet to come will not be remembered by those who follow them. Ecclesiastes 1:1-11

What is the meaning of life? At one point or another we all ask ourselves that question. Solomon in all his wisdom searched for the answer. What did the wisest man determine? It is not the great wealth Solomon had, it is not the 1,000 wives and concubines he had, nor the children he fathered. Solomon contemplates many possible answers to the question before finally arriving at an answer at the conclusion of his essay.

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Solomon’s Downfall Thu, 27 May 2021 07:18:00 +0000 King Solomon, however, loved many foreign women besides Pharaoh’s daughter–Moabites, Ammonites, Edomites, Sidonians and Hittites. They were from nations about which the LORD had told the Israelites, “You must not intermarry with them, because they will surely turn your hearts after their gods.” Nevertheless, Solomon held fast to them in love. He had seven hundred […]

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King Solomon, however, loved many foreign women besides Pharaoh’s daughter–Moabites, Ammonites, Edomites, Sidonians and Hittites. They were from nations about which the LORD had told the Israelites, “You must not intermarry with them, because they will surely turn your hearts after their gods.” Nevertheless, Solomon held fast to them in love. He had seven hundred wives of royal birth and three hundred concubines, and his wives led him astray. As Solomon grew old, his wives turned his heart after other gods, and his heart was not fully devoted to the LORD his God, as the heart of David his father had been. 1 Kings 11:1-4

Solomon’s fall into the worship of other Gods is a reminder to us that it is easy to fall into sin. Everyone is susceptible to falling if they are not perpetually focused on God and His ways. Here, Solomon’s 700 wives and 300 concubines lead him astray from God and His ways. They play a major part God taking the kingdom away from Solomon.

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Psalm 127 Wed, 26 May 2021 07:56:00 +0000 Unless the LORD builds the house, the builders labor in vain. Unless the LORD watches over the city, the guards stand watch in vain. In vain you rise early and stay up late, toiling for food to eat–for he grants sleep to those he loves. Children are a heritage from the LORD, offspring a reward […]

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Unless the LORD builds the house, the builders labor in vain. Unless the LORD watches over the city, the guards stand watch in vain. In vain you rise early and stay up late, toiling for food to eat–for he grants sleep to those he loves. Children are a heritage from the LORD, offspring a reward from him. Like arrows in the hands of a warrior are children born in one’s youth. Blessed is the man whose quiver is full of them. They will not be put to shame when they contend with their opponents in court. Psalm 127:1-5

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A Happy Heart Tue, 25 May 2021 07:50:00 +0000 A cheerful look brings joy to the heart; good news makes for good health. Proverbs 15:30 A happy heart makes the face cheerful, but heartache crushes the spirit. Proverbs 15:13 Be wise, my son, and bring joy to my heart; then I can answer anyone who treats me with contempt. Proverbs 27:11

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A cheerful look brings joy to the heart; good news makes for good health. Proverbs 15:30

A happy heart makes the face cheerful, but heartache crushes the spirit. Proverbs 15:13

Be wise, my son, and bring joy to my heart; then I can answer anyone who treats me with contempt. Proverbs 27:11

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Children, Parents, Elders Mon, 24 May 2021 07:55:00 +0000 A wise son brings joy to his father, but a foolish son brings grief to his mother. Proverbs 10:1 Children’s children are a crown to the aged, and parents are the pride of their children. Proverbs 17:6 Gray hair is a crown of splendor; it is attained in the way of righteousness. Proverbs 16:31

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A wise son brings joy to his father, but a foolish son brings grief to his mother. Proverbs 10:1

Children’s children are a crown to the aged, and parents are the pride of their children. Proverbs 17:6

Gray hair is a crown of splendor; it is attained in the way of righteousness. Proverbs 16:31

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Faith, Generosity, and Wealth Sun, 23 May 2021 07:48:00 +0000 A faithful person will be richly blessed, but one eager to get rich will not go unpunished. Proverbs 28:20 A generous person will prosper; whoever refreshes others will be refreshed. Proverbs 11:25 A good person leaves an inheritance for their children’s children, but a sinner’s wealth is stored up for the righteous. Proverbs 13:22

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A faithful person will be richly blessed, but one eager to get rich will not go unpunished. Proverbs 28:20

A generous person will prosper; whoever refreshes others will be refreshed. Proverbs 11:25

A good person leaves an inheritance for their children’s children, but a sinner’s wealth is stored up for the righteous. Proverbs 13:22

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Honesty and Justice Sat, 22 May 2021 07:40:00 +0000 Dishonest money dwindles away, but whoever gathers money little by little makes it grow. Proverbs 13:11 Evildoers do not understand what is right, but those who seek the LORD understand it fully. Proverbs 28:5 When justice is done, it brings joy to the righteous but terror to evildoers. Proverbs 21:15

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Dishonest money dwindles away, but whoever gathers money little by little makes it grow. Proverbs 13:11

Evildoers do not understand what is right, but those who seek the LORD understand it fully. Proverbs 28:5

When justice is done, it brings joy to the righteous but terror to evildoers. Proverbs 21:15

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Speech Fri, 21 May 2021 07:02:00 +0000 A person finds joy in giving an apt reply–and how good is a timely word! Proverbs 15:23 When there are many words, wrongdoing is unavoidable, But one who restrains his lips is wise. Proverbs 10:19 A gentle answer turns away wrath, But a harsh word stirs up anger. Proverbs 15:1

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A person finds joy in giving an apt reply–and how good is a timely word! Proverbs 15:23

When there are many words, wrongdoing is unavoidable, But one who restrains his lips is wise. Proverbs 10:19

A gentle answer turns away wrath, But a harsh word stirs up anger. Proverbs 15:1

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Temper and Patience Thu, 20 May 2021 07:49:00 +0000 Fools show their annoyance at once, but the prudent overlook an insult. Proverbs 12:16 Do not make friends with a hot-tempered person, do not associate with one easily angered, or you may learn their ways and get yourself ensnared. Proverbs 22:24-25

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Fools show their annoyance at once, but the prudent overlook an insult. Proverbs 12:16

Do not make friends with a hot-tempered person, do not associate with one easily angered, or you may learn their ways and get yourself ensnared. Proverbs 22:24-25

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Treating Your Enemies Wed, 19 May 2021 07:43:00 +0000 Do not gloat when your enemy falls; when they stumble, do not let your heart rejoice, or the LORD will see and disapprove and turn his wrath away from them. Proverbs 24:17-18 If your enemy is hungry, give him food to eat; if he is thirsty, give him water to drink. In doing this, you […]

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Do not gloat when your enemy falls; when they stumble, do not let your heart rejoice, or the LORD will see and disapprove and turn his wrath away from them. Proverbs 24:17-18

If your enemy is hungry, give him food to eat; if he is thirsty, give him water to drink. In doing this, you will heap burning coals on his head, and the LORD will reward you. Proverbs 25:21-22

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Listen to Advice Tue, 18 May 2021 07:37:00 +0000 My son, do not forget my teaching, but keep my commands in your heart, for they will prolong your life many years and bring you peace and prosperity. Proverbs 3:1-2 The way of fools seems right to them, but the wise listen to advice. Proverbs 12:15

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My son, do not forget my teaching, but keep my commands in your heart, for they will prolong your life many years and bring you peace and prosperity. Proverbs 3:1-2

The way of fools seems right to them, but the wise listen to advice. Proverbs 12:15

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Purpose of the Proverbs Mon, 17 May 2021 07:30:00 +0000 The proverbs of Solomon son of David, king of Israel: for gaining wisdom and instruction; for understanding words of insight; for receiving instruction in prudent behavior, doing what is right and just and fair; for giving prudence to those who are simple, knowledge and discretion to the young– let the wise listen and add to […]

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The proverbs of Solomon son of David, king of Israel: for gaining wisdom and instruction; for understanding words of insight; for receiving instruction in prudent behavior, doing what is right and just and fair; for giving prudence to those who are simple, knowledge and discretion to the young– let the wise listen and add to their learning, and let the discerning get guidance– for understanding proverbs and parables, the sayings and riddles of the wise. The fear of the LORD is the beginning of knowledge, but fools despise wisdom and instruction. Proverbs 1:1-7

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Proverbs of Solomon Sun, 16 May 2021 07:25:00 +0000 Our reading in The Daily Bible takes us through the Proverbs over the next 10 days. Solomon authored most, but not all of the Proverbs, so chronologically the Proverbs fit well here in the daily readings. The Proverbs are short poems, great for memorizing and leaning on through our journey with Jesus. Sometimes the lesson […]

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Our reading in The Daily Bible takes us through the Proverbs over the next 10 days. Solomon authored most, but not all of the Proverbs, so chronologically the Proverbs fit well here in the daily readings. The Proverbs are short poems, great for memorizing and leaning on through our journey with Jesus. Sometimes the lesson is hard to take in the short run, but an understanding of why helps receive it in the long run.

Trust in the LORD with all your heart And do not lean on your own understanding. In all your ways acknowledge Him, And He will make your paths straight. Proverbs 3:5-6

My son, do not reject the discipline of the LORD Or loathe His rebuke, For whom the LORD loves He disciplines, Just as a father disciplines the son in whom he delights. Proverbs 3:11-12

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The Queen of Sheba Sat, 15 May 2021 07:02:00 +0000 Solomon answered all her questions; nothing was too hard for the king to explain to her. When the queen of Sheba saw all the wisdom of Solomon and the palace he had built, the food on his table, the seating of his officials, the attending servants in their robes, his cupbearers, and the burnt offerings […]

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Solomon answered all her questions; nothing was too hard for the king to explain to her. When the queen of Sheba saw all the wisdom of Solomon and the palace he had built, the food on his table, the seating of his officials, the attending servants in their robes, his cupbearers, and the burnt offerings he made at the temple of the LORD, she was overwhelmed. She said to the king, “The report I heard in my own country about your achievements and your wisdom is true. But I did not believe these things until I came and saw with my own eyes. Indeed, not even half was told me; in wisdom and wealth you have far exceeded the report I heard. How happy your people must be! How happy your officials, who continually stand before you and hear your wisdom! Praise be to the LORD your God, who has delighted in you and placed you on the throne of Israel. Because of the LORD’s eternal love for Israel, he has made you king to maintain justice and righteousness.” 1 Kings 10:3-9

God has blessed Solomon tremendously with wisdom as Solomon had requested, and with great riches and honor which he did not ask for, but with which God readily blessed him. The Queen of Sheba traveling a great distance with a very large caravan to see for herself this King Solomon is an honor in itself. She verifies the reports she has heard of Solomon’s wisdom and wealth. Her remarks are incredible, and appear to indicate she is a believer in the God of Israel. May our words, our conversation, always be seasoned with grace and love, and say as much about our relationship with the Lord Jesus as the Queen of Sheba’s.

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The Lord is Good; His Love Endures Forever Fri, 14 May 2021 11:37:31 +0000 The priests then withdrew from the Holy Place. All the priests who were there had consecrated themselves, regardless of their divisions. All the Levites who were musicians–Asaph, Heman, Jeduthun and their sons and relatives–stood on the east side of the altar, dressed in fine linen and playing cymbals, harps and lyres. They were accompanied by […]

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The priests then withdrew from the Holy Place. All the priests who were there had consecrated themselves, regardless of their divisions. All the Levites who were musicians–Asaph, Heman, Jeduthun and their sons and relatives–stood on the east side of the altar, dressed in fine linen and playing cymbals, harps and lyres. They were accompanied by 120 priests sounding trumpets. The trumpeters and musicians joined in unison to give praise and thanks to the LORD. Accompanied by trumpets, cymbals and other instruments, the singers raised their voices in praise to the LORD and sang: “He is good; his love endures forever.” Then the temple of the LORD was filled with the cloud, and the priests could not perform their service because of the cloud, for the glory of the LORD filled the temple of God. 2 Chronicles 5:11-14

The Temple for the Name of the Lord is completed. Solomon summons the elders f Israel, all the heads and chiefs of the tribes of Israel to Jerusalem to bring the ark of the Lord’s covenant to the new temple. After the priests, who were Levites, carry the ark in the way prescribed by the Lord through Moses, it is placed in the Holy of Holies, beneath the wings of the cherubim. The priests then all moved outside the Temple with the musicians and singers setting up on the east side of the altar. Thus, as they face the altar, the Temple is behind and to the south of the altar. The trumpeters, the cymbals, probably harps and lyres and 10 stringed instruments all playing as the singers praise the Lord: “He is good; His love endures forever!” This was such a celebration giving thanks to God. It predates a much greater celebration that we find in the book of Revelation. In heaven, the Four Living Creatures never stop saying, ”Holy, Holy, Holy is the Lord God Almighty, who was, and is, and is to come” Then the 24 elders who sit surrounding the Throne say, ”You are worthy, our Lord and God, to receive glory and honor and power, for you created all things, and by your will they were created and have their being.” Then a multitude of angels, ten thousand times ten thousand sing, “Worthy is the Lamb, who was slain, to receive power and wealth and wisdom and strength and honor and glory and praise!” Get ready church! In heaven we will join in worship as we’ve never seen on earth – nothing close. Why not start now? Shout out your praise for our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. Don’t hold back on worshipping him. He IS worthy to receive glory and praise!

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A Temple for the Name of the Lord Thu, 13 May 2021 07:01:00 +0000 Now I am about to build a temple for the Name of the LORD my God and to dedicate it to him for burning fragrant incense before him, for setting out the consecrated bread regularly, and for making burnt offerings every morning and evening and on the Sabbaths, at the New Moons and at the […]

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Now I am about to build a temple for the Name of the LORD my God and to dedicate it to him for burning fragrant incense before him, for setting out the consecrated bread regularly, and for making burnt offerings every morning and evening and on the Sabbaths, at the New Moons and at the appointed festivals of the LORD our God. This is a lasting ordinance for Israel. “The temple I am going to build will be great, because our God is greater than all other gods. But who is able to build a temple for him, since the heavens, even the highest heavens, cannot contain him? Who then am I to build a temple for him, except as a place to burn sacrifices before him? 2 Chronicles 2:4-6

Solomon sets out to build the temple for the Lord that his father David had intended in his heart to build. When David prayed to God about his intentions, God told David that he was a mighty warrior and his hands had shed much blood. Because of that David would not be the one to build this temple, but rather it would be his son that would build the temple. David was so excited he prepared all the plans and materials for building the temple, ensuring everything would be ready for Solomon to carry out the desire of his heart. And Solomon was up to the task. With God’s help, Solomon had peace on every side and the foundation was laid in Solomon’s fourth year and the temple completed seven years later.

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A Discerning Heart (Wisdom) Wed, 12 May 2021 07:01:00 +0000 At Gibeon the LORD appeared to Solomon during the night in a dream, and God said, “Ask for whatever you want me to give you.” Solomon answered, “You have shown great kindness to your servant, my father David, because he was faithful to you and righteous and upright in heart. You have continued this great […]

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At Gibeon the LORD appeared to Solomon during the night in a dream, and God said, “Ask for whatever you want me to give you.” Solomon answered, “You have shown great kindness to your servant, my father David, because he was faithful to you and righteous and upright in heart. You have continued this great kindness to him and have given him a son to sit on his throne this very day. “Now, LORD my God, you have made your servant king in place of my father David. But I am only a little child and do not know how to carry out my duties. Your servant is here among the people you have chosen, a great people, too numerous to count or number. So give your servant a discerning heart to govern your people and to distinguish between right and wrong. For who is able to govern this great people of yours?” The Lord was pleased that Solomon had asked for this. So God said to him, “Since you have asked for this and not for long life or wealth for yourself, nor have asked for the death of your enemies but for discernment in administering justice, I will do what you have asked. I will give you a wise and discerning heart, so that there will never have been anyone like you, nor will there ever be. 1 Kings 3:5-12

Very early in his kingship, Solomon exhibits his understanding of the responsibilities ahead of him. He does not take being king lightly, nor for his own benefit, but in humility expressing himself as only a child, although he was not, Solomon knows that the job of king is bigger than him and needs to rely on God to carry it out. He asks for a discerning heart, for wisdom in governing God’s people. God is pleased, and gives Solomon wisdom as no man has ever had. God also blesses Solomon with what he did not ask for, both riches and honor. When we pray and ask for God to meet our needs, in Solomon’s case wisdom, God will supply all our needs according to his riches in glory by Christ Jesus. Trust in Him who is able to do more than we can ask or imagine.

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God’s Grace Tue, 11 May 2021 07:01:00 +0000 When the time drew near for David to die, he gave a charge to Solomon his son. “I am about to go the way of all the earth,” he said. “So be strong, act like a man, and observe what the LORD your God requires: Walk in obedience to him, and keep his decrees and […]

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When the time drew near for David to die, he gave a charge to Solomon his son. “I am about to go the way of all the earth,” he said. “So be strong, act like a man, and observe what the LORD your God requires: Walk in obedience to him, and keep his decrees and commands, his laws and regulations, as written in the Law of Moses. Do this so that you may prosper in all you do and wherever you go and that the LORD may keep his promise to me: ‘If your descendants watch how they live, and if they walk faithfully before me with all their heart and soul, you will never fail to have a successor on the throne of Israel.’ 1Kings 2:1-4

From creation to Adam, Abraham, Moses, and finally David, our readings in The Daily Bible has walked us through God’s working with the man He first created, to that man’s descendant, David, whom God describes as a man after my own heart. David is about to die. His son Solomon is poised to be the next king of Israel. David’s charge to Solomon, to walk in obedience to God and to keep his decrees and commands, is very much like David, whom God also said of, he will do everything I want him to do. David had his faults, his failures, his sins that were spelled out for every reader of the Bible to see for all time. Despite all these, and there were many, David found forgiveness and redemption is God his Savior. David always had a soft heart toward God, confessing his sins and falling before the Lord asking for mercy, and receiving the grace that God freely gives. Very few in history will ever have a life like David, but millions and millions of people through the ages will receive the same grace as David, the grace through faith that saves, the grace that is a free gift from God. If you have never received God’s grace and the forgiveness of your sins, do it now. Don’t wait another second. Romans 10:9 says, If you confess with your mouth, “Jesus is Lord,” and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved. May the Lord bless you and keep you, and smile upon you, and give you peace.

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Sing Praises to God Mon, 10 May 2021 07:01:00 +0000 God has ascended amid shouts of joy, the LORD amid the sounding of trumpets. Sing praises to God, sing praises; sing praises to our King, sing praises. For God is the King of all the earth; sing to him a psalm of praise. Psalm 47:5-7

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God has ascended amid shouts of joy, the LORD amid the sounding of trumpets. Sing praises to God, sing praises; sing praises to our King, sing praises. For God is the King of all the earth; sing to him a psalm of praise. Psalm 47:5-7

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His House, His Temple, His Dwelling Sun, 09 May 2021 07:01:00 +0000 One thing I ask from the LORD, this only do I seek: that I may dwell in the house of the LORD all the days of my life, to gaze on the beauty of the LORD and to seek him in his temple. For in the day of trouble he will keep me safe in […]

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One thing I ask from the LORD, this only do I seek: that I may dwell in the house of the LORD all the days of my life, to gaze on the beauty of the LORD and to seek him in his temple. For in the day of trouble he will keep me safe in his dwelling; he will hide me in the shelter of his sacred tent and set me high upon a rock. Then my head will be exalted above the enemies who surround me; at his sacred tent I will sacrifice with shouts of joy; I will sing and make music to the LORD. Psalm 27:4-6

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Blessed are those whose hope is in the Lord Sat, 08 May 2021 07:26:40 +0000 Blessed are those whose help is the God of Jacob, whose hope is in the LORD their God. He is the Maker of heaven and earth, the sea, and everything in them–he remains faithful forever. He upholds the cause of the oppressed and gives food to the hungry. The LORD sets prisoners free, the LORD […]

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Blessed are those whose help is the God of Jacob, whose hope is in the LORD their God. He is the Maker of heaven and earth, the sea, and everything in them–he remains faithful forever. He upholds the cause of the oppressed and gives food to the hungry. The LORD sets prisoners free, the LORD gives sight to the blind, the LORD lifts up those who are bowed down, the LORD loves the righteous. The LORD watches over the foreigner and sustains the fatherless and the widow, but he frustrates the ways of the wicked. The LORD reigns forever, your God, O Zion, for all generations. Praise the LORD. Psalm 146:5-10

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Thirst for God Fri, 07 May 2021 07:01:00 +0000 As the deer pants for streams of water, so my soul pants for you, my God. My soul thirsts for God, for the living God. When can I go and meet with God? My tears have been my food day and night, while people say to me all day long, “Where is your God?” These […]

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As the deer pants for streams of water, so my soul pants for you, my God. My soul thirsts for God, for the living God. When can I go and meet with God? My tears have been my food day and night, while people say to me all day long, “Where is your God?” These things I remember as I pour out my soul: how I used to go to the house of God under the protection of the Mighty One with shouts of joy and praise among the festive throng. Why, my soul, are you downcast? Why so disturbed within me? Put your hope in God, for I will yet praise him, my Savior and my God. Psalm 42:1-5

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Lord, You Are My Hiding Place Thu, 06 May 2021 07:01:00 +0000 Blessed is the one whose transgressions are forgiven, whose sins are covered. Blessed is the one whose sin the LORD does not count against them and in whose spirit is no deceit. When I kept silent, my bones wasted away through my groaning all day long. For day and night your hand was heavy on […]

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Blessed is the one whose transgressions are forgiven, whose sins are covered. Blessed is the one whose sin the LORD does not count against them and in whose spirit is no deceit. When I kept silent, my bones wasted away through my groaning all day long. For day and night your hand was heavy on me; my strength was sapped as in the heat of summer. Then I acknowledged my sin to you and did not cover up my iniquity. I said, “I will confess my transgressions to the LORD.” And you forgave the guilt of my sin. Therefore let all the faithful pray to you while you may be found; surely the rising of the mighty waters will not reach them. You are my hiding place; you will protect me from trouble and surround me with songs of deliverance. Psalm 32:1-7

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Even Before I was Born Wed, 05 May 2021 07:01:00 +0000 For you created my inmost being; you knit me together in my mother’s womb. I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made; your works are wonderful, I know that full well. My frame was not hidden from you when I was made in the secret place, when I was woven together in the […]

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For you created my inmost being; you knit me together in my mother’s womb. I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made; your works are wonderful, I know that full well. My frame was not hidden from you when I was made in the secret place, when I was woven together in the depths of the earth. Your eyes saw my unformed body; all the days ordained for me were written in your book before one of them came to be. How precious to me are your thoughts, God! How vast is the sum of them! Were I to count them, they would outnumber the grains of sand–when I awake, I am still with you. Psalm 139:13-18

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Your Name, O Lord Tue, 04 May 2021 07:01:00 +0000 Your name, O LORD, endures forever; your fame, O LORD, is known to every generation. For the LORD will give justice to his people and have compassion on his servants. Psalm 135:13-14

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Your name, O LORD, endures forever; your fame, O LORD, is known to every generation. For the LORD will give justice to his people and have compassion on his servants. Psalm 135:13-14

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Keep Me on Your Path of Purity Mon, 03 May 2021 08:03:52 +0000 How can a young person stay on the path of purity? By living according to your word. I seek you with all my heart; do not let me stray from your commands. I have hidden your word in my heart that I might not sin against you. Praise be to you, LORD; teach me your […]

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How can a young person stay on the path of purity? By living according to your word. I seek you with all my heart; do not let me stray from your commands. I have hidden your word in my heart that I might not sin against you. Praise be to you, LORD; teach me your decrees. Psalm 119:9-12

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Praise the Lord Forever Sun, 02 May 2021 07:01:00 +0000 Praise the LORD, all you nations; extol him, all you peoples. For great is his love toward us, and the faithfulness of the LORD endures forever. Praise the LORD. Psalm 117:1-2

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Praise the LORD, all you nations; extol him, all you peoples. For great is his love toward us, and the faithfulness of the LORD endures forever. Praise the LORD. Psalm 117:1-2

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Shout for Joy to the Lord Sat, 01 May 2021 08:28:56 +0000 Shout for joy to the LORD, all the earth, burst into jubilant song with music; make music to the LORD with the harp, with the harp and the sound of singing, with trumpets and the blast of the ram’s horn–shout for joy before the LORD, the King. Psalm 98:4-6

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Shout for joy to the LORD, all the earth, burst into jubilant song with music; make music to the LORD with the harp, with the harp and the sound of singing, with trumpets and the blast of the ram’s horn–shout for joy before the LORD, the King. Psalm 98:4-6

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Praise awaits you, Lord! Fri, 30 Apr 2021 07:01:00 +0000 Praise awaits you, our God, in Zion; to you our vows will be fulfilled. You who answer prayer, to you all people will come. Psalm 65:1-2 The psalm calls for us to give glory to God for his power and goodness. We are waiting with anticipation to praise Him, even as the Levites stood by […]

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Praise awaits you, our God, in Zion; to you our vows will be fulfilled. You who answer prayer, to you all people will come. Psalm 65:1-2

The psalm calls for us to give glory to God for his power and goodness. We are waiting with anticipation to praise Him, even as the Levites stood by at night ready to sing to and praise the Lord at the appointed hour. There is great quiet joy in waiting, in the anticipating of praising the Lord. One version says there will be silence before You (Lord). Sometimes there is nothing so loud as silence, silence waiting to burst into worship and praise. Let this psalm lead you into that place before the Lord.

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Psalm 8 Thu, 29 Apr 2021 07:01:00 +0000 For the next week our readings will be a grouping of psalms of joy and praise, including Psalm 119. LORD, our Lord, how majestic is your name in all the earth! You have set your glory in the heavens. Through the praise of children and infants you have established a stronghold against your enemies, to […]

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For the next week our readings will be a grouping of psalms of joy and praise, including Psalm 119.

LORD, our Lord, how majestic is your name in all the earth! You have set your glory in the heavens. Through the praise of children and infants you have established a stronghold against your enemies, to silence the foe and the avenger. When I consider your heavens, the work of your fingers, the moon and the stars, which you have set in place, what is mankind that you are mindful of them, human beings that you care for them? You have made them a little lower than the angels and crowned them with glory and honor. You made them rulers over the works of your hands; you put everything under their feet: all flocks and herds, and the animals of the wild, the birds in the sky, and the fish in the sea, all that swim the paths of the seas. LORD, our Lord, how majestic is your name in all the earth! Psalm 8:1-9

Sometimes during a sporting event, a big hit, a big basket, a big play happens that causes everyone to rise to their feet and cheer. If the scene is big enough, sometimes the announcer does say a thing, just letting the crowd relay the feeling. Psalm 8 is like that. No commentary, no explanation is necessary. The psalm speaks for itself. Take it all in.

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To Your Name be the Glory Wed, 28 Apr 2021 07:01:00 +0000 Not to us, LORD, not to us but to your name be the glory, because of your love and faithfulness. Why do the nations say, “Where is their God?” Our God is in heaven; he does whatever pleases him. But their idols are silver and gold, made by human hands. They have mouths, but cannot […]

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Not to us, LORD, not to us but to your name be the glory, because of your love and faithfulness. Why do the nations say, “Where is their God?” Our God is in heaven; he does whatever pleases him. But their idols are silver and gold, made by human hands. They have mouths, but cannot speak, eyes, but cannot see. They have ears, but cannot hear, noses, but cannot smell. They have hands, but cannot feel, feet, but cannot walk, nor can they utter a sound with their throats. Those who make them will be like them, and so will all who trust in them. … The LORD remembers us and will bless us: He will bless his people Israel, he will bless the house of Aaron, he will bless those who fear the LORD–small and great alike. … May you be blessed by the LORD, the Maker of heaven and earth. The highest heavens belong to the LORD, but the earth he has given to mankind. Psalm 115:1-8, 12-13, 15-16

God deserves all the glory because of His love and faithfulness. The psalm then goes on to contrast he idols that God abhors and God Himself, the God who is the creator of heaven and earth and blesses those He chooses. May He bless you each day.

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This is not your home Tue, 27 Apr 2021 07:01:00 +0000 But God will redeem me from the realm of the dead; he will surely take me to himself. Do not be overawed when others grow rich, when the splendor of their houses increases; for they will take nothing with them when they die, their splendor will not descend with them. Though while they live they […]

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But God will redeem me from the realm of the dead; he will surely take me to himself. Do not be overawed when others grow rich, when the splendor of their houses increases; for they will take nothing with them when they die, their splendor will not descend with them. Though while they live they count themselves blessed–and people praise you when you prosper– they will join those who have gone before them, who will never again see the light of life. Psalm 49:15-19

It is easy to see the wealth and fame may people achieve. When you look at their lives, many if not most are not godly people, but driven people looking out for themselves. Sometimes you may wonder what your life would be like if you were like them, if you were among the rich and famous. Psalm 49 reminds us that life is fleeting, that the seeming riches of this life end at death’s door if the person does not trust in Jesus. Whereas the believer’s rewards will be for all eternity. I am reminded of a story I’ve heard several times. I don’t know if the story is true, and if it were, who it is about. I probably don’t even have all the “facts” of the story straight, but I think you’ll get the point. A couple is heading back to the US after serving 40 years in the mission field ministering to less fortunate people and leading many to Christ. On the same flight is military commander who has fought and won many battles. As the plane lands and the passengers exit the plane, a band and a large group of people greet the commander joyously celebrating his return home. The old missionary couple exit the plane, lost amid the crowd and celebration for the commander. The husband remarks, “It’s just not fair.” His wife gently reminds him, “Don’t worry dear, we’re not home yet.” Jesus told Pilate, “My kingdom is not of this world.” Our home is not of this world. We are in a mission field all the days of our lives, but one day we will be greeted by Jesus upon returning home.

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He is Worthy Mon, 26 Apr 2021 07:01:00 +0000 Your love, LORD, reaches to the heavens, your faithfulness to the skies. Your righteousness is like the highest mountains, your justice like the great deep. You, LORD, preserve both people and animals. How priceless is your unfailing love, O God! People take refuge in the shadow of your wings. They feast on the abundance of […]

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Your love, LORD, reaches to the heavens, your faithfulness to the skies. Your righteousness is like the highest mountains, your justice like the great deep. You, LORD, preserve both people and animals. How priceless is your unfailing love, O God! People take refuge in the shadow of your wings. They feast on the abundance of your house; you give them drink from your river of delights. For with you is the fountain of life; in your light we see light. Continue your love to those who know you, your righteousness to the upright in heart. Psalm 36:5-10

Psalm 36 is the second of two psalms with David servant of the Lord in superscription. Psalm 18 is the first of the two psalms. In the superscription of Psalm 18 it says (David) He sang to the Lord the words of this song when the Lord delivered him from the hand of all his enemies and form the hand of Saul. He said: (v1) I love you, O Lord, my strength. (v2) The Lord is my rock, my fortress and my deliverer, my God is my rock, in whom I take refuge. He is my shield and the horn of my salvation, my stronghold. In Psalm 36 David contrasts the wickedness of man (v1-4) with the excellency of God (v5-10). David sings of the mercy of the Lord, and the faithfulness of the Lord, and the righteousness of the Lord, and the Lord’s unfailing love. It is no wonder that in Psalm 18 David could declare his love for the Lord on whom he stands. In a near parallel way, let us sing of Jesus, both for who He is and what He has done, and how we love Him because of who He is and what He has done. He is worthy to receive power and might and honor and glory and praise.

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Because He Loves You Sun, 25 Apr 2021 07:01:00 +0000 A song of ascents. I lift up my eyes to the mountains–where does my help come from? My help comes from the LORD, the Maker of heaven and earth. He will not let your foot slip–he who watches over you will not slumber; indeed, he who watches over Israel will neither slumber nor sleep. Psalm […]

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A song of ascents. I lift up my eyes to the mountains–where does my help come from? My help comes from the LORD, the Maker of heaven and earth. He will not let your foot slip–he who watches over you will not slumber; indeed, he who watches over Israel will neither slumber nor sleep. Psalm 121:1-4

Psalms 120 to 134 are songs of ascents. These psalms form a hymn book used by pilgrims going up to Jerusalem for the annual feasts of Passover, Pentecost, and Tabernacles. Psalm 121 affirms that all true help comes the Lord, who is the Keeper of Israel. How does this psalm apply to the believer who is not of Israel? In Ephesians 3:4-6, Paul explains the Mystery of Christ: through the gospel of Christ, Gentiles are heirs together with Israel, members together of one body and sharers together in the promise in Jesus Christ. God’s plan of salvation, available to all people, not just Israel, comes through gospel of Jesus Christ. Paul so succinctly states the gospel in 1 Corinthians 15:2-4: By this gospel you are saved, if you hold firmly to the word I preached to you. Otherwise, you have believed in vain. For what I received I passed on to you as of first importance: that Christ died for our sins according to the Scriptures, that he was buried, that he was raised on the third day according to the Scriptures. So when God watches over Israel, He watches over all who are heirs together with Israel through Jesus Christ. Over you, God actively watches and cares, not because of what you’ve done, but because He loves you so much.

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We are the People of His Pasture Sat, 24 Apr 2021 07:01:00 +0000 Come, let us sing for joy to the LORD; let us shout aloud to the Rock of our salvation. Let us come before him with thanksgiving and extol him with music and song. For the LORD is the great God, the great King above all gods. In his hand are the depths of the earth, […]

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Come, let us sing for joy to the LORD; let us shout aloud to the Rock of our salvation. Let us come before him with thanksgiving and extol him with music and song. For the LORD is the great God, the great King above all gods. In his hand are the depths of the earth, and the mountain peaks belong to him. The sea is his, for he made it, and his hands formed the dry land. Come, let us bow down in worship, let us kneel before the LORD our Maker; for he is our God and we are the people of his pasture, the flock under his care. Today, if only you would hear his voice, Psalm 95:1-7

The God of all creation, the King over all, the Lord of all Lords. We come to bow before Him and worship Him. But, we are more than worshippers, we are His flock, He is our personal Shepherd. Our goal with our Shepherd? To recognize his voice, to hear, listen, trust and follow Him.

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As for Me Fri, 23 Apr 2021 07:33:18 +0000 As for me, I will always have hope; I will praise you more and more. My mouth will tell of your righteous deeds, of your saving acts all day long–though I know not how to relate them all. I will come and proclaim your mighty acts, Sovereign LORD; I will proclaim your righteous deeds, yours […]

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As for me, I will always have hope; I will praise you more and more. My mouth will tell of your righteous deeds, of your saving acts all day long–though I know not how to relate them all. I will come and proclaim your mighty acts, Sovereign LORD; I will proclaim your righteous deeds, yours alone. Psalm 71:14-16

I am reminded of Joshua’s declaration, “As for me and my house we will serve the Lord.” Faith is a choice, so be certain of your choice and live boldly according to your faith. Know what you believe, but more importantly who you believe and trust with your soul. Faith is a life or death choice, let your life and all you do reflect it.

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My Salvation, My Hope Thu, 22 Apr 2021 07:01:00 +0000 One thing God has spoken, two things I have heard: “Power belongs to you, God, and with you, Lord, is unfailing love”; and, “You reward everyone according to what they have done.” Psalm 62:11-12 David writes this psalm in a time when God has given him a relatively peaceful period. David is not in anguish […]

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One thing God has spoken, two things I have heard: “Power belongs to you, God, and with you, Lord, is unfailing love”; and, “You reward everyone according to what they have done.” Psalm 62:11-12

David writes this psalm in a time when God has given him a relatively peaceful period. David is not in anguish over personal sin, he is not being pursued by enemies, he is not desperately in need of God’s intervention. It is almost like David is enjoying the sunshine breaking though after several days of rain and clouds. David reflects twice in this psalm saying my soul finds rest in God alone, because 1) my salvation comes from him, and 2) my hope comes from him. David ends the psalm with foundational truths to stand on: You oh Lord are strong, and You oh Lord are loving. Our salvation and our hope in this life and for all eternity lies in our God who is strong and loving to accomplish both.

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Be Still and Know that I am God Wed, 21 Apr 2021 07:33:10 +0000 God is our refuge and strength, an ever-present help in trouble. Therefore we will not fear, though the earth give way and the mountains fall into the heart of the sea, though its waters roar and foam and the mountains quake with their surging. Psalm 46:1-3 Psalm 46 is attributed to the sons of Korah. […]

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God is our refuge and strength, an ever-present help in trouble. Therefore we will not fear, though the earth give way and the mountains fall into the heart of the sea, though its waters roar and foam and the mountains quake with their surging. Psalm 46:1-3

Psalm 46 is attributed to the sons of Korah. The specific person in this genealogy is not identified. Perhaps it was a collaboration of more than one descendant of Korah. In some ways it is a testimony to God’s grace that sons of Korah even have a part in the Psalms. Korah, a great grandson of Levi, was one of the key figures leading a rebellion against Moses and Aaron. As a result, Korah and his family were swallowed up by the ground due to their insolence. Korah’s descendants were not punished for the sin of their father, in fact, one descendant was Israel’s king maker. The prophet Samuel, at God’s direction anointed Saul, Israel’s first king, then David, the next king. The eleven psalms by the sons of Korah include some of the most beautiful psalms in the Bible. A quick study of these psalms would reveal a treasure trove of memorable verses. Here in Psalm 46 are several of them, including those in verses 1-3; God is our refuge and strength; an ever present help in trouble; we will not fear though the earth give way and the mountains fall into the sea. Then in verse 10, Be still and know that I am God.

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Psalm 13 Tue, 20 Apr 2021 07:01:00 +0000 How long, LORD? Will you forget me forever? How long will you hide your face from me? How long must I wrestle with my thoughts and day after day have sorrow in my heart? How long will my enemy triumph over me? Look on me and answer, LORD my God. Give light to my eyes, […]

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How long, LORD? Will you forget me forever? How long will you hide your face from me? How long must I wrestle with my thoughts and day after day have sorrow in my heart? How long will my enemy triumph over me? Look on me and answer, LORD my God. Give light to my eyes, or I will sleep in death, and my enemy will say, “I have overcome him,” and my foes will rejoice when I fall. But I trust in your unfailing love; my heart rejoices in your salvation. I will sing the LORD’s praise, for he has been good to me. Psalm 13:1-6

David the psalmist goes through a range of emotions similar to what many of us have felt. He is fearful and scared, he is beaten or chased by his enemies, he is desperate, he needs God but can’t find Him, he knows the answers he needs are in the Lord, without the Lord he knows he will be overcome. David cries out his heart to the Lord, but doesn’t dwell in his fears and emotions forever. By the end of this short psalm David declares the answer he knows is true and that he must follow: I trust in your unfailing love; I rejoice in your salvation; I praise you for you have been good to me. David’s psalm is like Jesus answering Satan when he was tempted after fasting 40 days in the wilderness. David speaks the truths he knows and leans on them rather than being overwrought by his fears. When you face similar times as David, remember the truths of God and lean on Him. When you’re not strong, He will help you. He is always strong.

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Psalms Mon, 19 Apr 2021 16:37:50 +0000 If you are reading through The Daily Bible with us, you have reached a changing point in the daily readings. Up till now we have read in chronological order, as much as possible, from the beginning of creation to King David and his son Solomon, who is soon to be king. Over the next three […]

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If you are reading through The Daily Bible with us, you have reached a changing point in the daily readings. Up till now we have read in chronological order, as much as possible, from the beginning of creation to King David and his son Solomon, who is soon to be king. Over the next three weeks we will go through most of the Psalms. The Psalms that can be traced to future events will be presented when that event is occurs chronologically.

Many of the Psalms were written by David before he became king. He was King Saul’s personal musician to sooth Saul’s spirit when he was tormented in the spirit. David was truly a gifted songwriter and musician as well as warrior and king. He was not a perfect man, he has a pure heart exhibited in his actions and the psalms. Take joy as we dive into the Psalms. As David writes in Psalm 5: Let all who take refuge in you be glad, let them ever sing for joy. Spread your protection over them, that those who love your name may rejoice in you. For surely, O Lord, you bless the righteous, you surround them with your favor as with a shield.

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Be Strong and Courageous Sun, 18 Apr 2021 07:06:29 +0000 David also said to Solomon his son, “Be strong and courageous, and do the work. Do not be afraid or discouraged, for the LORD God, my God, is with you. He will not fail you or forsake you until all the work for the service of the temple of the LORD is finished. 1 Chronicles […]

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David also said to Solomon his son, “Be strong and courageous, and do the work. Do not be afraid or discouraged, for the LORD God, my God, is with you. He will not fail you or forsake you until all the work for the service of the temple of the LORD is finished. 1 Chronicles 28:20

If you only read the subject line, you might have thought today’s scripture was about Moses and Joshua. But the same phrase that Moses, an really it was the Lord through Moses, spoke to Joshua as Moses was nearing his time of death and the leadership of the nation and entering the Promised Land was turned over to Joshua. Here, David is nearing the end of his life. God has chosen Solomon to be king after David. Solomon is charged with building the Temple, the House of the Lord. David gives Solomon the same words of encouragement, Be strong and courageous. For both David and Moses, they would not complete the desire of their hearts, but would pass it on to the man God chose to complete the job. Both David and Moses knew Solomon and Joshua could be strong and courageous because it was not all on their shoulders, bur rather they could pass on the message that God is with you. He will not fail you or forsake you until all the work is finished. In your life, you could insert your name in place of Solomon or Joshua, not that you would build the Temple or lead Israel into the Promised Land, but that Jesus died, and because he died (and rose again), God is with us. He will not fail you or forsake you. He will be with you to complete the calling he has for you and he calls you home. Therefore, be strong and courageous!

The post Be Strong and Courageous appeared first on Lighthouse 805 Church.

A Change in Ministry! Sat, 17 Apr 2021 08:13:10 +0000 For David had said, “Since the LORD, the God of Israel, has granted rest to his people and has come to dwell in Jerusalem forever, the Levites no longer need to carry the tabernacle or any of the articles used in its service.” … The duty of the Levites was to help Aaron’s descendants in […]

The post A Change in Ministry! appeared first on Lighthouse 805 Church.

For David had said, “Since the LORD, the God of Israel, has granted rest to his people and has come to dwell in Jerusalem forever, the Levites no longer need to carry the tabernacle or any of the articles used in its service.” … The duty of the Levites was to help Aaron’s descendants in the service of the temple of the LORD: to be in charge of the courtyards, the side rooms, the purification of all sacred things and the performance of other duties at the house of God. They were in charge of the bread set out on the table, the special flour for the grain offerings, the thin loaves made without yeast, the baking and the mixing, and all measurements of quantity and size. They were also to stand every morning to thank and praise the LORD. They were to do the same in the evening. 1 Chronicles 23:25-26, 28-30

Nothing stays the same forever. In this case it was the jobs, the responsibilities of Levites. With the tabernacle staying in Jerusalem and no longer moving from place to place, a key Levite responsibility is no longer needed. Instead of the responsibility to carry the tabernacle, they are now helping in the service of the temple by being in charge of the courtyards, the side rooms, the purification of all sacred things and other responsibilities. There will be times when our area of serving or ministry will change for any number of reasons. As long as we are still serving the Lord, we should do it with joy and passion to do a good job. After all, our service is not about us. But about serving the Creator of the universe, our Lord and King, our Heavenly Father, about other people Whatever we do, do it as unto the Lord. With that attitude, you will never mess up, and ministry will be satisfyingly complete.

Sent: Friday, April 16, 2021
Subject: He will be my son

Then he called for his son Solomon and charged him to build a house for the LORD, the God of Israel. David said to Solomon: “My son, I had it in my heart to build a house for the Name of the LORD my God. But this word of the LORD came to me: ‘You have shed much blood and have fought many wars. You are not to build a house for my Name, because you have shed much blood on the earth in my sight. But you will have a son who will be a man of peace and rest, and I will give him rest from all his enemies on every side. His name will be Solomon, and I will grant Israel peace and quiet during his reign. He is the one who will build a house for my Name. He will be my son, and I will be his father. And I will establish the throne of his kingdom over Israel forever.’ “Now, my son, the LORD be with you, and may you have success and build the house of the LORD your God, as he said you would. 1 Chronicles 22:6-11

Before calling his young and inexperienced son to tell him what the word of the Lord was concerning Solomon, David had made extensive plans and preparations for building the House of the Lord. David had plans for the Temple to be of great magnificence, and fame and splendor in the sight of all the nations. Image young Solomon getting this news from his father, you have
For David had said, “Since the LORD, the God of Israel, has granted rest to his people and has come to dwell in Jerusalem forever, the Levites no longer need to carry the tabernacle or any of the articles used in its service.” … The duty of the Levites was to help Aaron’s descendants in the service of the temple of the LORD: to be in charge of the courtyards, the side rooms, the purification of all sacred things and the performance of other duties at the house of God. They were in charge of the bread set out on the table, the special flour for the grain offerings, the thin loaves made without yeast, the baking and the mixing, and all measurements of quantity and size. They were also to stand every morning to thank and praise the LORD. They were to do the same in the evening. 1 Chronicles 23:25-26, 28-30

Nothing stays the same forever. In this case it was the jobs, the responsibilities of Levites. With the tabernacle staying in Jerusalem and no longer moving from place to place, a key Levite responsibility is no longer needed. Instead of the responsibility to carry the tabernacle, they are now helping in the service of the temple by being in charge of the courtyards, the side rooms, the purification of all sacred things and other responsibilities. There will be times when our area of serving or ministry will change for any number of reasons. As long as we are still serving the Lord, we should do it with joy and passion to do a good job. After all, our service is not about us. But about serving the Creator of the universe, our Lord and King, our Heavenly Father, about other people Whatever we do, do it as unto the Lord. With that attitude, you will never mess up, and ministry will be satisfyingly complete.

Sent: Friday, April 16, 2021
Subject: He will be my son

Then he called for his son Solomon and charged him to build a house for the LORD, the God of Israel. David said to Solomon: “My son, I had it in my heart to build a house for the Name of the LORD my God. But this word of the LORD came to me: ‘You have shed much blood and have fought many wars. You are not to build a house for my Name, because you have shed much blood on the earth in my sight. But you will have a son who will be a man of peace and rest, and I will give him rest from all his enemies on every side. His name will be Solomon, and I will grant Israel peace and quiet during his reign. He is the one who will build a house for my Name. He will be my son, and I will be his father. And I will establish the throne of his kingdom over Israel forever.’ “Now, my son, the LORD be with you, and may you have success and build the house of the LORD your God, as he said you would. 1 Chronicles 22:6-11

Nothing stays the same forever. In this case it was the jobs, the responsibilities of Levites. With the tabernacle staying in Jerusalem and no longer moving from place to place, a key Levite responsibility is no longer needed. Instead of the responsibility to carry the tabernacle, they are now helping in the service of the temple by being in charge of the courtyards, the side rooms, the purification of all sacred things and other responsibilities. There will be times when our area of serving or ministry will change for any number of reasons. As long as we are still serving the Lord, we should do it with joy and passion to do a good job. After all, our service is not about us. But about serving the Creator of the universe, our Lord and King, our Heavenly Father, about other people Whatever we do, do it as unto the Lord. With that attitude, you will never mess up, and ministry will be satisfyingly complete.

The post A Change in Ministry! appeared first on Lighthouse 805 Church.

He will be my son Fri, 16 Apr 2021 07:39:14 +0000 Then he called for his son Solomon and charged him to build a house for the LORD, the God of Israel. David said to Solomon: “My son, I had it in my heart to build a house for the Name of the LORD my God. But this word of the LORD came to me: ‘You […]

The post He will be my son appeared first on Lighthouse 805 Church.

Then he called for his son Solomon and charged him to build a house for the LORD, the God of Israel. David said to Solomon: “My son, I had it in my heart to build a house for the Name of the LORD my God. But this word of the LORD came to me: ‘You have shed much blood and have fought many wars. You are not to build a house for my Name, because you have shed much blood on the earth in my sight. But you will have a son who will be a man of peace and rest, and I will give him rest from all his enemies on every side. His name will be Solomon, and I will grant Israel peace and quiet during his reign. He is the one who will build a house for my Name. He will be my son, and I will be his father. And I will establish the throne of his kingdom over Israel forever.’ “Now, my son, the LORD be with you, and may you have success and build the house of the LORD your God, as he said you would. 1 Chronicles 22:6-11

Before calling his young and inexperienced son to tell him what the word of the Lord was concerning Solomon, David had made extensive plans and preparations for building the House of the Lord. David had plans for the Temple to be of great magnificence, and fame and splendor in the sight of all the nations. Image young Solomon getting this news from his father, you have planned for me to build God’s House? A magnificent temple worthy of the Name of the Lord. What a task to give anyone, much less a young man. The work on the temple will be a lot for Solomon to oversee, but that is surely outweighed many times over by God’s proclamation that Solomon will be his son, and God will be his father. And God will establish Solomon’s throne of his kingdom over Israel forever. Wow!!! God truly said that about me? Building the House of the Lord will be a slam dunk – the Lord is definitely with me. Later, the choice of Solomon is proven right when in a dream God grants him one request, and he asks for wisdom to govern Israel and to know right from wrong. If you are a believer in Christ, you were predestined to know Him. May your response to God be as filled with awe of God as Solomon’s was. And may your heart be after God and others, well before yourself.

The post He will be my son appeared first on Lighthouse 805 Church.
