Discover Purpose



We are so excited that you are interested in finding out what your spiritual personality is. You can take this free online assessment in just a couple of minutes and receive immediate results.

The purpose of this self-assessment is to give you a better understanding of your natural God-given abilities and how they can bring fulfillment in your everyday life. In Ephesians 4:1, Paul urges us to “live a life worthy of the calling we have received.” We each have desires in our hearts placed there by God, and he placed those in us with the intention that we would live them out in unity with others. “The gifts He gave were that some would be apostles, some prophets, some evangelists, some pastors, and teachers, to equip the saints for the work of ministry, for building up the body of Christ, until all of us come to the unity of the faith and of the knowledge of the Son of God, to maturity, to the full stature of Christ.” (Eph. 4:11-13).

Church Mission

Our Church believes that every person is crafted by God with these personalities sewn into our lives. God designed you to live a life of meaning and purpose. Our hope is that as you discover, or are reminded of your calling, you would have a better understanding of how to live it out everyday.

Your Mission Starts Here

Take the quiz below and use the results to bring fulfillment into your job, your family, and all areas of your life. If you need clarification and help please contact us after taking our Purpose discovery test.

Man pointing and finding purpose in Ventura

Spiritual Personality Assessment

The ability to bring people together and have fun comes easily to me.
My curiosity leads me to learning new things.
The church should focus more of its time reaching those outside the church.
Helping people hear the voice of God for the first time is a special gift of mine.
I feel responsible to equip, train and lead people into their purpose.
When someone is hurting, I feel their pain and must get involved.
I can explain any idea so anyone can understand it.
I enjoy sharing my story with anyone. I am not shy when talking with new people.
Getting distracted with random words, thoughts or pictures happens easily while praying for others.
I am able to recognize people’s giftings and abilities and assist in helping them recognize their calling.
I can bring people together and resolve their conflicts.
I learn from reading very easily. I love to read my Bible daily.
I’m like a chameleon, I can adapt to wherever I am at and feel comfortable.
I day dream and play out scenarios in my head.
When someone faces an obstacle, I know what they need to do.
I have a gift for helping people feel accepted and belong.
I spend time figuring out things I don’t understand.
Having non-Christian friends is important to me.
When I see injustice happening, I need to help. I cannot be a bystander.
I help people with goals and ideas to reach their fullest potential.
I feel more comfortable helping inside the Church more than outside the Church.
I believe that most people don’t read the Bible as much as they should.
I feel Jesus is coming back in my lifetime.
When I pray for people, I can perceive God’s heart and understand what He feels for them.
I think the final results are more important than the path to get there.
People value what I have to say and rarely misunderstand me.
If someone is lying or sharing information incorrectly, I feel the need to correct them.
I love sharing with people when someone accomplishes something really incredible.
I believe we can choose our destiny living in God’s will. I don’t believe things in life happens by chance.
I like to help problem solve other people’s challenges. I share in their triumphs.
I am drawn to people who have had trials and hardships.
When I learn things, I am eager to share knowledge with others.
When people give me their attention, I will take advantage to share and talk to them.
It is easy for me to trust my “gut feeling” because it’s usually right.
I believe it is better to be completely honest and straightforward even if it hurts other people’s feelings.
People can take advantage of my patience at times because patience comes very easily to me.
When I can’t solve something in my life, I look for answers in my Bible or another book.
There is so much change that is needed in the world and we don’t have time to waste in doing it.
I am able to know the difference between when God is doing something or when Satan is.
People should live a life like mine, avoiding the things I did wrong, and I can help them do so.
I stay away from drama and can help stop it.
It is easy for me to see how I can apply what the Bible says to my life.
It is easy for me to explain to others why they need Jesus. It is easy for me to explain God’s goodness.
I love praying for people. I often find that both of us are crying during prayer.
I avoid busy work and don’t get involved if I feel like something is a waste of time.
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